After party

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As Y/n stepped out of the grand ballroom, her heart still racing from the encounter with King Jungkook, a shiver ran down her spine. Despite the dazzling spectacle of the masquerade, there lingered an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach—a feeling she couldn't quite shake.

The memory of Jungkook's intense gaze haunted her every thought as she made her way home through the winding streets of the kingdom. With each step, she couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in her mind, the weight of his presence still heavy upon her shoulders.

As she reached the comfort of her humble abode, Y/n sank onto her bed, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't deny the allure of the enigmatic king, nor the danger that seemed to lurk beneath his captivating facade. And yet, she couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that hung in the air like a dark cloud.
"I must admit, King is dangerously handsome."

Closing her eyes, Yuna uttered a silent prayer, hoping against hope that she would never cross paths with King Jungkook again. For in his presence, she sensed a darkness that threatened to consume her whole—a darkness she dared not confront. "To the guardians of heaven, please spare me guidance never to cross paths with him again."

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded with uncertainty, Y/n drifted into an uneasy slumber, her dreams haunted by the enigmatic figure of the king and the tangled web of fate that bound their destinies together. And as the moon cast its silvery light upon the world outside, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that her life would never be the same again.

Jungkook's pov

As the echoes of the masquerade faded into the night, King Jungkook found himself consumed by an insatiable longing for the mysterious girl who had captured his heart. Despite his efforts to locate her amidst the throngs of revelers, she remained elusive, like a ghost slipping through his fingers.

Frustration boiled within him, a seething rage that threatened to consume him whole. In a moment of unchecked fury, Jungkook's temper flared, and he unleashed his wrath upon one of his guards—a loyal servant who had committed no offense other than failing to fulfill his king's desires. "My lord, spare me I promise to find that maiden and bring her to you."

But even as the life drained from the guard's eyes, Jungkook felt no solace, "Who are you to make promises with me?", no release from the turmoil that churned within him. For in his heart, there existed only one desire—to find the girl who had ignited a fire within him, and to claim her as his own, no matter the cost.

As the night stretched on, Jungkook found himself unable to sleep, his mind consumed by thoughts of the girl who had bewitched him. With each passing moment, his longing intensified, a relentless ache that gnawed at his very soul.

"That's it, I will look for you"
Driven by an overwhelming urge to see her again, to touch her, to possess her, Jungkook ventured out into the darkness, his steps guided by a force beyond his control. Through the winding streets of the kingdom he roamed, his heart pounding with anticipation, until at last, he found himself standing before her humble abode.
"Heavens must have favored me again, who would have thought I can find you in a matter of short time." He then smirk.

With bated breath, Jungkook gazed upon the silhouette of the sleeping girl he sought, her presence casting a spell upon him that he could not resist. In that moment, he knew that he would stop at nothing to make her his own—to possess her, body and soul, and to keep her by his side for all eternity.

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