Little venture

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As the conversation drifted to random topics, Yuna couldn't shake off the curiosity about Eunji, Jungkook's first muse. With a tentative expression, she finally gathered the courage to broach the subject.
"Um, if it's alright with both of you, could you tell me more about Eunji?" Y/n asked, her voice soft yet filled with genuine curiosity. She glanced between Jimin and Jihoon, hoping they would be willing to share insights about Jungkook's enigmatic first muse.

Jimin nodded, a somber expression crossing his features. "Eunji was a remarkable woman," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "She had a presence about her that captivated everyone she met. She was Jungkook's muse for many years, inspiring him in ways no one else could."
Jihoon's gaze grew distant as he added, "Eunji was like a sister to me. She had a kind heart and a gentle spirit, but she also bore the weight of her own struggles."

Y/n listened intently as they shared their memories of Eunji. "But why did she die." Curiosity consumed y/n and cant help but asked the two man.

Y/n's heart sank at Jimin's somber revelation, a wave of sadness washing over her at the tragic end to Eunji's life. She felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the depth of Eunji's despair and the circumstances surrounding her untimely death.

"She... she killed herself?" Y/n repeated, her voice barely above a whisper as the weight of Jimin's words settled over her. She glanced between Jimin and Jihoon, searching for any sign of solace or understanding in their expressions.
Jimin nodded gravely, his gaze somber as he continued, "Yes, she couldn't bear the weight of Jungkook's control over her life. She felt trapped, suffocated by the expectations placed upon her."

A heavy silence fell over the room as y/n absorbed the heartbreaking truth of Eunji's demise. She couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for the woman who had once held Jungkook's heart, her own struggles with his controlling nature suddenly feeling all too real.
In that moment, y/n made a silent vow to herself—to break free from the same chains that had bound Eunji and to forge her own path, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

*Back at the Jeon's castle.

Y/n smiled warmly at Jihoon's words, feeling grateful for the moments of companionship and joy they had shared together that day. "Thank you, Jihoon," she replied, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I truly enjoyed our time together, exploring the town and chatting with you and Jimin."

Jihoon returned her smile, his expression reflecting the genuine fondness he felt for his sister. "Sleep well, Noona," he said affectionately. "And get ready for another adventure tomorrow. Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung are looking forward to it as much as I am."
Y/n's brow furrowed with concern as Jihoon assured her that they were going out again, this time with Taehyung and Jimin. She couldn't shake off the worry about potentially angering Jungkook by disobeying his orders.

"But did you really ask Jungkook's permission?" Y/n pressed, her voice tinged with anxiety. "I don't want to get in trouble, Jihoon."

Jihoon smiled reassuringly, his eyes sincere as he reached out to comfort her. "Yes, trust me, Noona," he replied earnestly. "I've made arrangements. We'll be fine."
Though still hesitant, y/n nodded, choosing to trust Jihoon's judgment. Deep down, she hoped that their outing would go smoothly and that Jungkook wouldn't be too displeased with their decision to go out once more. With a sigh, she resolved to enjoy the time with her friends while remaining cautious of the potential consequences of their actions.

*Day 2 without jungkook..

Y/n's heart fluttered with excitement as she realized that another day had dawned without Jungkook's presence. The freedom she felt was exhilarating, almost surreal, like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.

"I can't believe this is happening," she whispered to herself, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, and she turned to see Jihoon standing there, his eyes bright with anticipation.
"Are you ready to leave, Noona?" Jihoon asked eagerly. "Hyungs are already waiting outside."

Y/n's smile widened at the prospect of another adventure with her friends. With a nod, she replied, "Yes, I'm ready. Let's go."
As she followed Jihoon out of her chambers, her heart swelled with gratitude for the newfound sense of freedom and companionship she had discovered in Jungkook's absence.

Jimin and taehyung were making fun of each other while waiting for jihoon and y/n. They immediately stop when they see the two approaching them.

Y/n couldn't help but giggle at Taehyung's playful greeting, her cheeks flushing with warmth as he kissed the back of her hand. She curtsied in return, her laughter mingling with the light-hearted banter between Jimin and Taehyung. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Taehyung," she replied with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jimin chuckled at the exchange, a smirk playing on his lips as he teased Taehyung. "Smooth as ever, Taehyung," he remarked, earning a playful shove from his friend in return.
As the group shared a laugh, y/n felt a sense of joy over her. Surrounded by friends who cared for her, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments of happiness they shared together, away from the constraints of the palace.

Jungkook's hands trembled with barely-contained fury as he stared at the photos in his grasp. His eyes fixated on the image of Taehyung kissing y/n's hand, a surge of possessiveness coursing through him. With a growl of frustration, he crumpled the photo in his fist, the paper crinkling under the force of his grip.

"Follow them everywhere," he commanded, his voice laced with anger as he handed the photos back to the knight. His jaw clenched with determination as he vowed to keep a close eye on y/n's every move, unwilling to let her out of his sight again. As the knight hurried off to carry out his orders, Jungkook's mind raced with thoughts of how to regain control over the situation. He couldn't bear the thought of y/n slipping away from his grasp, her newfound freedom a constant reminder of his own vulnerability.


As y/n, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jihoon entered the bustling amusement park, a sense of excitement filled the air

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As y/n, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jihoon entered the bustling amusement park, a sense of excitement filled the air. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere seemed to wash away any worries or concerns, leaving them free to enjoy the day to its fullest.

With laughter ringing in their ears, they wasted no time in exploring the various rides and attractions, each one more exhilarating than the last. They screamed with delight as they soared through the air on roller coasters, their hearts racing with adrenaline. They laughed until tears streamed down their faces as they tried their luck at carnival games, cheering each other on with unwavering enthusiasm.
"Aw, is little Jihoon getting sentimental on us?" Taehyung teased with a playful grin, nudging Jihoon in the side.
Jimin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think the roller coaster was too much for him," he joked, earning a playful glare from Jihoon in return.
Between rides, they indulged in a feast of delicious foods, sampling everything from cotton candy to funnel cakes. They shared stories and jokes, their laughter echoing across the park as they reveled in each other's company. For a fleeting moment, it felt as if they were the only people in the world, their worries and responsibilities forgotten in the thrill of the moment. It was a day filled with laughter, friendship, and joy—a memory they would treasure for years to come.

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