My lord

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Tears streamed down Y/n's cheeks as she stood before king jeon, her heart heavy with betrayal and despair from the things her madame did. Jungkook gaze bore down upon her like a suffocating blanket, leaving her trembling in its wake.
"Follow me, I'll show you OUR room." Him emphasizing our room made y/n shivers.

As Jungkook led her to their room, Y/n's mind raced with a torrent of questions, each one more agonizing than the last. Why had her madame brought her here? What did the king want from her? And most importantly, why had she been sold like a piece of property, her fate now in the hands of a man whose intentions remained shrouded in darkness.

With a trembling voice, Y/n dared to speak, her words choked with emotion as she struggled to make sense of the nightmare unfolding before her.

"Why me?" she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

But Jungkook's only response was a deranged smile, his eyes gleaming with a hunger that sent a shiver down her spine. In that moment, Y/n knew that she would find no solace in his words, no comfort in his presence.

For she was but a pawn in his twisted game—a game in which the stakes were higher than she could ever have imagined, and the consequences more dire than she dared to contemplate.

Jungkook showed her the belongings that had been prepared for her, Y/n felt a sense of resignation wash over her. Trapped in this gilded cage, she knew that her life would never be the same again.—

As the door closed behind them, sealing Y/n within the confines of their room, Jungkook's voice cut through the silence like a knife, his words dripping with authority and command.

"Listen carefully," he said, his voice low and menacing. "There are rules you must follow if you wish to remain safe in my presence."

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she listened, her breaths shallow and ragged as she braced herself for what was to come.

"First," Jungkook continued, his gaze piercing through her like daggers, "you are to speak to no one but me. Your voice is mine and mine alone."

Y/n nodded, her throat constricted with fear as she absorbed his words.

"Second," Jungkook continued, his voice growing colder with each passing moment, "you are not to entertain any thoughts of escape. This castle is your home now, and you will remain within its walls for as long as I desire."

Y/n's heart sank at the realization of her predicament, her hopes of freedom dashed against the unforgiving rocks of reality.

"Third," Jungkook pressed on, his tone unwavering, "you will follow me wherever I go, without question or hesitation. Your obedience is paramount."

Y/n swallowed hard, her stomach churning with apprehension as she braced herself for the weight of his expectations.

"Fourth," Jungkook's voice hardened, his eyes ablaze with a dangerous fire, "you are not to speak back to me. My word is law, and you will obey without question."

Y/n's breath caught in her throat, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his demands.

"Fifth," Jungkook's voice softened, almost imperceptibly, as he delivered his final decree, "you must be willing to do whatever I ask of you. Your body, your mind, your soul—they are all mine to command."

As Jungkook delivered the rules, his voice carried an ominous undertone, hinting at the consequences of disobedience. Y/n listened intently, her heart sinking with each word, knowing that any deviation from these rules would incur the wrath of the king.

"And remember," Jungkook added, his gaze penetrating Y/n's soul, "for every rule you break, there will be a punishment. The severity of which will depend on my mood." He then touch Y/n by the waist and lightly squeeze it. "Are we clear, Y/n?"

Y/n breath caught in her throat as the weight of his words settled upon her. She understood that any infraction, no matter how small, would not be taken lightly by the king. "Answer me, words Y/n." Jungkook said in a threatening voice. y/n was so caught up with her mind that she got startled with jungkook. "Yes my lord" then she bows her head.

As Jungkook turned to leave, Y/n felt a sense of dread wash over her, knowing that her every move would be scrutinized, her every action judged against the rigid standards set by the king.

Alone in the silence of their chamber, Y/n resolved to tread carefully, to obey the rules set forth by Jungkook, she knew that she had no choice but to submit—to surrender herself. For in the depths of the king's fortress, there was no room for mercy, no space for forgiveness— "I should plan an escape, I can't be tamed in here, I'm not a price possession, I don't care whatever punishments I receive, I'll keep on trying to escape." Y/n said in her head in a complete determination.

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