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Y/n' pov

Y/n awoke to the soft footsteps of the servant, a sense of foreboding settled over her like a heavy shroud. Something was amiss, she could feel it in the air—a tension that hung thick around her, suffocating her with its weight.

Y/n rose from her bed and made her way through the castle corridors, her heart pounding with each step. As she reached the dungeon, the sight that greeted her froze her blood in her veins.

There, amidst the flickering torchlight, stood King Jungkook, his face contorted with fury as he towered over two figures cowering before him. In his hand, he held a gleaming sword, its blade stained crimson with the blood of the intruders who dared to trespass upon his domain.

"He's crazy, he doesn't have any remorse" With a sickening lurch in her stomach, Y/n watched in horror as Jungkook unleashed his wrath upon the helpless thieves, his movements slow and deliberate, each strike punctuated by the anguished cries of his victims. "Lord, spare us, or better kill us, we don't want to suffer anymore"
"If I kill you now, where's the fun in that?" Jungkook said with a sinister laugh.

And as the echoes of their pleas for mercy reverberated through the cold stone walls of the dungeon, Y/n felt a wave of nausea wash over her, her mind reeling with the brutality of Jungkook's punishment, she suddenly lose balance and accidentally tap the torch beside her and fell creating an echoing sound that catches jungkook's attention. "No, please, why am I so clumsy!." Y/n steady herself and was about to run.

As Jungkook's furious gaze fell upon Y/n her heart leaped into her throat, her body frozen with fear as she found herself trapped in his iron grip. His clothes stained with blood, his face contorted with rage, he loomed over her like a vengeful deity, his presence suffocating her with its intensity.

With a trembling voice, Y/n dared to speak, her words barely above a whisper as she struggled to find the courage to face the wrath of the king.

"I-I was... I was just...," she stammered, her voice faltering under the weight of his gaze.

But Jungkook's anger brooked no excuses, no explanations. With a grip like steel, he pulled her closer, his eyes ablaze with a fury that sent shivers down her spine.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, his voice low and menacing.

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she searched for the words to answer him, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She knew that any misstep, any wrong move, could spell her doom in the eyes of the king.

"I-I heard...," she began, her voice trembling with trepidation. "I heard the commotion and... I came to see what was happening."

But Jungkook's expression remained unmoved, his grip tightening around her with each passing moment.

With a primal roar of anger, Jungkook's voice echoed through the dungeon,. He called for a servant, his command sharp and unyielding, his eyes blazing with fury as he fixed his gaze upon Y/n.

"Bring her to our chamber," he barked, his voice laced with menace. "And make sure she does not leave without supervision. If she sets foot outside her chambers without my permission, every servant in this castle will face the consequences." "Yes my lord, it won't happen again" the old servant bow her head and nodded in silent obedience, casting a wary glance at Y/n as the servant approached her.
"This way my lady" the servant said to y/n. She led her away from the dungeon.

As they reached her quarters, Y/n felt a sense of dread wash over her, knowing that she was now under constant surveillance, her every move scrutinized by the king's watchful eye. "I'm sorry, because of me being nosy, the entire servants were at stake to get punish." y/n said to the servant. "No, it's not your fault my lady, you're just new here that's why you don't know the way right?" The old servant replied with a warm smile and leave.

And as the door closed behind her, sealing her fate within its confines, Y/n braced herself for the days ahead, knowing that the king's punishment awaited her should she dare to defy his commands. For in the kingdom ruled by fear and oppression, there was no room for mercy, no space for forgiveness—only the relentless pursuit of power and control, and the ever-present threat of punishment lurking just beyond the shadows.

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