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Jungkook's grip on power tightened, he became increasingly paranoid, fearing that those closest to him might turn against him. In a bid to eliminate any potential threats to his control, he issued orders for Taehyung and Jimin to be sent to another country, far away from yn and the influence of their shared past.

Taehyung and Jimin, unaware of Jungkook's true intentions, complied with his orders, their hearts heavy with the weight of leaving behind their friend in her time of need. Despite their fears and doubts, they knew that defying Jungkook could have dire consequences, not only for themselves but for yn as well.

The weight of Jungkook's possessiveness and tyranny had become unbearable for yn, and in her desperation, she resolved to take matters into her own hands. With a heavy heart and trembling hands, she retrieved a knife and concealed it beneath her pillow, steeling herself for the drastic action she planned to take later that night.

As the hours passed and the castle fell into a deep slumber, yn's resolve only grew stronger. With each passing moment, she rehearsed the plan in her mind, steeling herself for the inevitable confrontation that awaited her.

Finally, when the castle was shrouded in darkness and silence, yn crept silently towards Jungkook, her heart pounding in her chest with a mixture of fear and determination. With each step, she felt the weight of her decision pressing down upon her, but she knew that she could no longer live under Jungkook's oppressive control.

As she stood at the threshold of their chamber, her hand trembling as she gripped the knife tightly, yn's heart raced with uncertainty. But in that moment, she knew that she had to follow through with her plan, for the sake of her own freedom and sanity.

With a deep breath, yn stepped into the chamber, her eyes fixed on Jungkook's sleeping form. And as she raised the knife, her hand steady with resolve, she whispered a silent prayer for forgiveness, but to her dismay Jungkook's eyes snapped open, her heart froze.
his gaze locking onto her with a fierce intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The knife trembled in her hand as she stared back at him, her breath catching in her throat as she realized that her plan had been foiled.

Before she could react, Jungkook's hand shot out and seized her wrist with a vice-like grip, his fingers digging into her skin with a painful intensity. Panic surged through yn as she struggled against his hold, her mind racing with fear and desperation.

"My lord, please," yn pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "Let me go. I can't live like this anymore. You need to let me go."

But Jungkook's expression remained cold and impassive, his grip on her wrist unyielding. "You dare to defy me?" he growled, his voice laced with anger and contempt. "You think you can escape from me? You belong to me, yn. You always have and you always will."

Yn's heart sank at his words, the weight of his possessiveness crushing her spirit like a heavy stone. She knew that there was no escaping Jungkook's grasp, no matter how hard she tried. In that moment, she felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her, knowing that she was trapped in a prison of Jungkook's making, with no way out.

Jungkook's pov
I was enrage, hurt and mad at yn's perceived betrayal, I dragged her to a different chamber, I tightened my grip on her wrist making sure it will leave a mark as I vented my fury upon her. Yn's face was filled with fear as she knows that she pushed me to my limit. I yanked her body inside the chamber and hit her with my belt, I lost control of my emotions I vented all my anger to her. the sting of my blows leaving bruises upon her skin, will serve her a painful reminder of my wrath.

Locked away in the guest chamber, yn found herself alone and isolated, the darkness of her confinement matching the despair that gnawed at her soul. With each passing moment, hunger gnawed at her stomach, her strength waning as she endured the torment of starvation. "Just kill me JUNGKOOK!" She screamed.

As the days stretched on, yn's resolve began to falter, her body growing weak from lack of nourishment and her spirit broken by the cruelty of Jungkook's punishment. Alone in the darkness, she longed for the freedom she had once dreamed of, the chance to escape the prison of Jungkook's control and find a life of her own.

"Elena, summoned my queen from the guest chamber, give her food, water and bathe her, after that bring her to me." Jungkook commanded to his servant.

"Ohh, my lady you must be in pain.." Elena looked at yn with concern and pity.
Weak and trembling from three days of starvation, yn could barely muster the strength to stand as the servant arrived to escort her from the room. Her limbs felt heavy and her head swam with dizziness, but a glimmer of hope sparked within her as she realized she would finally be allowed to eat and bathe.

Supported by the servant, yn stumbled along the corridors of the castle, her steps faltering with each agonizing moment. As she entered the bathing chamber, the warm water provided a brief respite from the cold, damp confines of the dungeon. Yn allowed herself to relax for a fleeting moment, the soothing embrace of the water easing the ache in her muscles and the tension in her mind.

"My lady, Im sorry but we need to hurry, your majesty is already waiting for you." Elena said. Despite her weakened state, yn knew she had no choice but to obey. With Elena's assistance, she gathered what little strength she had left and made her way to their chamber, her heart heavy with the thought of facing Jungkook once again.

As they approached the chamber door, yn's pulse quickened with anxiety, her mind racing with a thousand fears and uncertainties, with a deep breath to steady her nerves, yn pushed open the door and stepped inside, her eyes immediately meeting Jungkook's intense gaze. The air crackled with tension as she crossed the room to stand before him, her heart pounding in her chest with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"Your Majesty," yn murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she braced herself for whatever judgment Jungkook had in store for her.

"You look fine now, i guessed you finally learned your lesson."
Yn's heart sank at Jungkook's words, the weight of his expectations bearing down on her like a heavy burden. She felt a surge of anger and frustration rise within her, but she suppressed it.

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