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As the first light of dawn filtered through the window, Y/n stirred from her uneasy slumber, only to be jolted awake by the sound of her madame's frantic voice echoing through the halls. With a sense of dread knotting in the pit of her stomach, she quickly dressed and gathered her belongings, her mind racing with questions and fears. "What's happening, it's early"

Rushing outside, Y/n's heart hammered in her chest as she awaited her madame's arrival. The air was heavy with tension, and the silence hung thick around her, broken only by the distant chirping of birds.

Minutes stretched into hours as Y/n stood on edge, her senses alert to every sound and movement around her. And then, finally, her madame appeared, her expression grave as she approached with a sense of urgency.

"Y/n," her madame said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm afraid we must leave at once. There's no time to waste."

Confusion clouded Y/n's mind as she struggled to make sense of the situation. "What's happening madame? Did I do something wrong? Where are we going?" Her madame just look at her without saying anything.

With a heavy heart, she followed her madame's lead, trusting that she would provide the answers she sought. As they made their way outside the house, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that hung over them like a dark cloud.

And as they disappeared into the horizon, leaving behind the only home Y/n had ever known, she couldn't help but wonder what awaited them on the journey ahead. Little did she know that their path would soon intersect with that of a king consumed by obsession, whose desires knew no bounds and whose wrath threatened to consume them both.

"We're here get your things" her madame said. As Y/n stood before the imposing gates of the king's castle, her heart pounded with fear, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of uncertainty. The sheer magnitude of the fortress loomed over her like a specter, casting a shadow of dread upon her trembling form.

But before Y/n could gather her wits, her madame seized her by the arm with a grip like iron, dragging her forward with a sense of urgency that left no room for hesitation. Panic surged through Y/n's veins as she stumbled forward, her protests drowned out by the deafening beat of her own heart. "Madame wait, why are we here?" Her madame look at her with pity "Im sorry I don't have any choice, it's a king's order"

With each step, Y/n felt the weight of her madame's hand pressing down upon her, urging her forward into the unknown depths of the castle. And as they ventured deeper into its labyrinthine corridors, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking straight into the jaws of danger.

But despite her mounting fear, Y/n knew that there was no turning back now.

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