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Jungkook dragged Y/n to their room, her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and defiance. She knew that she had pushed him too far, that her defiance had unleashed a fury that she could not hope to contain.

Before she could utter a word, Jungkook's hand connected with her cheek in a stinging slap, sending shockwaves of pain coursing through her body. Y/n's head snapped back from the force of the blow, her vision swimming with tears as she struggled to stay on her feet.

"This is just the start," Jungkook snarled, his voice dripping with venom. He yanked her hair roughly, dragging her towards the bathtub filled with water.

Y/n's  heart raced with terror as she realized his intentions, her breath catching in her throat as he forced her head beneath the surface. Panic surged through her veins as she fought against his iron grip, her lungs burning for air as she struggled to break free. "Let go me please, " she pleads.

But Jungkook held her fast, his strength overpowering her as he forced her head beneath the water again and again. Each time she resurfaced, gasping for air, he shoved her back down with relentless determination, his eyes ablaze with a cold fury that chilled her to the bone.

"You forced me to do this to you y/n," Jungkook growled, his voice echoing in the confines of the room. "Now, I will teach you to submit to me properly."

As Y/n fought for breath, her mind reeled with a sense of hopelessness but still chose to fight.

"I will say this again my lord, I refuse to be your puppet any longer. I will fight for my freedom, no matter the cost."
Y/n defiant words echoed in the air, Jungkook's eyes blazed with a furious intensity. How dare she say that to him even in the face of such punishment?

With a growl of rage, he then slap across her cheek, the force of the blow sending shockwaves of pain coursing through y/n's body. "My head snapped to the side from the impact, my ears ringing with the force of the blow."

But even as the sting of his hand lingered on her skin, she refused to back down—to let him break her spirit with his cruel punishment. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she fought against his relentless assault, her lungs burning for air as she struggled to break free from his iron grip.

But Jungkook showed no mercy, his grip tightening around her throat as he forced her head beneath the water once more. Panic surged through Y/n's veins as she fought against the suffocating embrace of the water, her vision blurring at the edges.
"Tell me who owns you" jungkook snarled at weak body.

Y/n didn't utter a single word which pissed the king more. Jungkook then harshly kiss her lips until it bled, a mixture of fear and revulsion flooded her senses. She then felt his weight pressing down on her, pinning her to the cold floor beneath her, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the depths of his cruelty.

"What are you doing?" she gasped, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Why are you doing this to me?"

But Jungkook offered no response, his eyes blazing with a dark intensity as he loomed over her, his grip tightening around her wrists with a force that made her cry out in pain. "Please, stop" Y/n's heart hammered in her chest as she stared up at him. his presence bore down on her like a suffocating blanket, crushing her beneath the weight of his tyranny. And as she lay there, pinned beneath him.

Jungkook then let go of her arm. Y/n immediately sit up and touch her wrist which was giving her pain from the way the king pinned her.

"On your knees, my queen." Jungkook look at y/n intensely. "Do I need to repeat my words, or should I force you to bow down on your knees." That warning tone of the king sent shivers down y/n's spine. She bend down on her knees, she then heard the king's unbuckled his belt. She didnt dare to look up, she's panicking. "What is happening, why is he removing his.. "

"Come closer." Jungkook said. Y/n walked on her knees infront of the king. "Suck it" she gasphed hearing the vulgar words coming out of her king. "My lord, I can't do such thing, just punish me but not like this" Jungkook's hand connected with her cheek in a stinging slap. He yanked her hair roughly, and push himself in her mouth.
Y/n, knew that she had no choice but to submit. "There, there my queen I knew you would submit to me." Jungkook said with a sinisiter smile.

He pounded in my mouth in an animalistic speed, tears brimming in my eyes, until I find it hard to breathe. "Is this my end, it's better to die this way" darkness consumes y/n and she lose consciousness.

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