Out in town

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As Y/n stepped out of the castle gates and into the bustling streets of the town, a sense of exhilaration washed over her. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she breathed in the sweet scent of freedom. "This is what I want! Freedom" she screamed.

Then she noticed the stares that the town people are giving her. Clad in the tattered garments of a servant and with dirt smudged on her face, she must have appeared disheveled and out of place among the bustling crowds. "What? Is this the first time you see a happy person?" She snapped at the people.

Ignoring the judgmental glances of those around her, Y/n continued to walk around the town. With each step she took, Y/n felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through her veins. She was no longer the meek servant girl cowering in fear of the king's wrath—she was a survivor, a warrior, who had defied the odds and emerged victorious against all odds. "Haaa! I knew I can do it! "

While Y/n was enjoying her newfound freedom, her steps light and carefree, she failed to notice the sleek black car that passed by her on the street. Unbeknownst to her, the king himself sat inside, his eyes narrowing with fury at the sight of her walking alone, unaccompanied by any servant. "What the hell is she doing here"

Jungkook's blood boiled at the audacity of the woman who had dared to defy his orders and escape his fortress. "How dare her flaunt her freedom so openly, as if she were above my rule?"

With a curt nod to his driver, Jungkook instructed him to follow Y/n's every move, his jaw clenched with barely contained rage. He would not allow her to slip through his fingers again—not when she had dared to challenge his authority in such a brazen manner.

As the car trailed behind Y/n, Jungkook's mind raced with thoughts of retribution. He would teach her the true meaning of obedience, of submission to his will. She would pay dearly for her defiance, of that he was certain.

Jungkook watched from the confines of his car as Y/n continued her stroll through the town, unaware of the storm that brewed on the horizon—

As Y/n's senses feeling of being watched, she glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of the sleek black car trailing her every move. Panic surged through her veins as she realized that she was being followed, her heart hammering in her chest as she broke into a run, desperate to escape the unseen threat that pursued her. "Ohh shit, shit! Is it him? Im doomed"

But her efforts were in vain. Before she could make it more than a few steps, strong arms closed around her, pulling her to a stop with a force that stole the breath from her lungs. Y/n's heart sank as she looked up and saw the steely gaze of the king's servant, his expression impassive as he held her in a vice-like grip.

With a silent nod from Jungkook, the servant handed Y/n over to him, his movements swift and efficient. Y/n's  heart pounded in her chest as she found herself face to face with the tyrant king himself, his eyes flashing with anger and determination.

Without a word, Jungkook motioned for his servant to open the car door, and Y/n was roughly pushed inside, the door slamming shut behind her with a resounding thud. As the car pulled away from the curb, Y/n's  mind raced with thoughts of escape, but she knew that her chances were slim in the face of Jungkook's iron will.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation settling over her like a suffocating blanket, Y/n braced herself for whatever fate awaited her at the hands of the tyrant king, knowing that her freedom had been snatched away in the blink of an eye, and that her journey was far from over.

As Y/n locked eyes with Jungkook, her heart sank at the sight of his anger-filled expression. The words tumbled from her lips before she could stop them, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"What are you doing here,?" he demanded, his tone laced with bitterness. "Did I not tell you to stay in my castle and never attempt to escape?"

"Well, I refuse to be your prisoner any longer. I will not submit to your tyranny." Y/n said.
Jungkook's jaw clenched with fury at her brazen defiance, his eyes blazing with an intensity that sent a shiver down Y/n's spine.

"You dare to disobey me?" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "After everything I have done for you, after all the warnings I have given you, you still have the audacity to defy me?"

Y/n's heart hammered in her chest as she met Jungkook's gaze head-on, refusing to back down in the face of his wrath.

"Yes, I dare," she declared, her voice ringing with defiance. "I refuse to be your puppet any longer. I will fight for my freedom, no matter the cost."

With a snarl of rage, Jungkook turned away from her, his fists clenched with barely suppressed fury. Y/n knew that she had crossed a line, that her defiance would not go unpunished. But she refused to cower in the face of his anger—not when her freedom hung in the balance, and not when she knew that she had the strength and resilience to face whatever trials lay ahead.

And as the car sped through the streets, carrying her back to the castle and into the clutches of the tyrant king once more, Y/n vowed to never surrender—to never give up on her quest for liberation, no matter the obstacles that stood in her way.

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