Under the table

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With a sense of ease settling over them, Jungkook guided y/n to a seat beside him. As they settled into their seats amidst the lively thrum of the masquerade, Jungkook motioned for a servant to bring them drinks.
As they sipped their drinks, the atmosphere around them seemed to hum with a vibrant energy, the music and laughter of the festivities weaving a tapestry of merriment and delight. In the warmth of Jungkook's presence, y/n felt a sense of peace wash over her, the lingering tension of earlier moments melting away like snow beneath the sun. "Maybe he's in a good mood now, I thought he will caught me talking to king taehyung, heaven must heard my pleas." She thought.

As the revelry of the masquerade enveloped them in its warm embrace, Jungkook's hand found its way beneath the table, his touch a gentle caress against y/n' skin. A thrill coursed through her veins at the sudden gesture.

Jungkook's hand moved then place it on y/n's thighs. y/n's heart quickened with a surge of apprehension. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, her instinct was to withdraw, to reclaim the semblance of control over the situation. "What is he doing?."

With a subtle movement, she attempted to push herself away from Jungkook's grasp, her fingers curling around his in a silent plea for release. But to her dismay, Jungkook's grip remained steadfast, his strength asserting itself in the face of her resistance. "Stop moving, or you'll receive a punishment again."

Panic fluttered in y/n's chest as she realized the gravity of the situation. Jungkook then slides his hand inside y/n's gown and caress her bare thighs, up and down. With a steady gaze, "I met Jungkook's eyes, and I'm too scared to stop whatever his doing right now."

Jungkook's grip tightened around her thighs, y/n's heart raced with a mix of surprise and apprehension. Before she could react, she found herself lifted effortlessly from her seat, her body settling onto Jungkook's lap with a jolt.

"This is much better right my queen." Jungkook whispered brushing his lips against her ear.

The suddenness of the action left her momentarily breathless, her mind reeling as she struggled to make sense of the situation. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the masquerade, she felt exposed and vulnerable in Jungkook's embrace, her senses heightened by the proximity of their bodies. "Release me my lord." She whimpered.

Y/n's voice cut through the din of the masquerade, her tone firm with a hint of desperation as she pleaded with Jungkook to release her. But to her dismay Jungkook tighten his grip around her waist, move her underwear a little and shove a finger inside her. Y/n frantically whimpered with the sudden act. His long finger played her clit and insides, as she releases juices. The act was all too new for her. "My lord stop." Y/n begged.

Jungkook leaned closer, his voice a whisper against her ear. "As you wish, my queen," he murmured, his tone laced with affection. Then he fasten the pace of his finger digging inside y/n's entrance. he then placed another finger inside y/n. "My lord hmmm. Stooopp." She cried out.

"You hush, my lady," he retorted with a playful glint in his eyes, his voice tinged with amusement as he glanced around the crowded room. "We wouldn't want to cause a scandal now, would we?" Jungkook said as he continued to fingered y/n while on his lap, covered by her gown under the table.

Feeling hazy, y/n rested her head in the crook of Jungkook's neck. Nails digging around the arms of the king as she was almost at her peak. "My vision is fading to black as I felt a shockwave along my entire body as jungkook still playing with my clit. Pushing his two- fingers along my entrance, the crowd was so oblivious of the fact that their king is fingering me in front of them.

"Ughh. My lord" moaning breathlessly as Y/n reached her peak. "Yes my queen, I'm here" jungkook whispered in her ear.

With a tender smile, Jungkook gently lifted the tired lady into his arms, her weight supported by the strength of his embrace. As they departed from the bustling revelry of the masquerade, a sense of tranquility enveloped them, the quiet solitude of the corridors offering respite from the clamor of the festivities.

Jungkook cradled y/n close to his chest, her head resting against his shoulder in peaceful surrender. The soft glow of torchlight flickered across the stone walls, casting fleeting shadows upon their path as they made their way towards the sanctity of their chambers.

As they reached the threshold of their chambers, Jungkook gently lowered y/n to her feet, his hands lingering against her waist in a silent gesture of affection. He then whispered "my queen, we're not done yet." Jungkook said with a deranged smile.  a shiver ran down y/n's spine, her heart pounding with fear. In the stillness of the chamber, his words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over her thoughts. Trapped in the grip of her fear, she felt powerless to respond, her body frozen in place as she awaited what would come next.

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