Chapter 2

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Harry dropped heavily onto the bench at Gryffindor table between Ron and Dean Thomas, who was also gay and currently dating Seamus Finnigan who was bisexual.

"What's up, mate?" Ron asked through his mouthful of food. Hermione, Ginny, and others all looked at him in disgust.

"I have to go back tonight." Harry sighed as he stole some turkey from Hermione's dish. He grinned when she smacked his hand away.

"Dursleys back or back back?" Ron asked.

"Back back," Harry said. "He needs to show me the schedule that he made."

"Any idea what you'll be doing?" Hermione wondered.

"Some will be training to get me ready for Voldemort. Other stuff will be researching probably. Finding the Death Eaters, Voldemort's hideout, things like that," Harry told them.

"It all sounds really helpful," Hermione said.

"Well, sure it's helpful, but only if he doesn't murder me first," Harry said, taking a roll from the basket in front of him and spreading butter on it.

"He's not going to murder you, Harry." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Hermione, just because we have to work together, it does not mean he's going to drop all his hate and become my best friend." Harry raised an eyebrow and smacked Ron on the back when his friend began choking on his food at Harry's comment.

"If you try to be friendly and don't fight with him, then he won't get angry," Hermione said matter-of-factly.

Harry rolled his eyes. "What is it you think I've been doing since school started? Hexing him?" Hermione scowled at him. He shook his head and grabbed his bag. "Forget it. I have to go. He's got the schedule made up. See you later."

He walked out of the Great Hall, hitching his bag up onto his shoulder, and slowly made his way to the dungeons. The Potions Master hadn't actually told him to come back; he hadn't stayed long enough. He knew the schedule would be completed and as he had seen Snape leave dinner, he figured now would be the best time. He was about to walk through the door that led to the dungeons when his snowy owl, Hedwig, landed on his shoulder.

"You couldn't have come to the Great Hall when I was there?" Harry said, taking her deliveries. She seemed to glare at him and he was reminded on Snape. "I'm going to see Professor Snape. Want to come?"

Hedwig looked at him and then took off.

"Coward," he muttered and continued on his way.

He examined the items curiously. The letter was from Molly Weasley, but he didn't know about the small brown package. There was a note on top, but it wasn't signed.


I believe this may be of great use to you. Good luck.

Harry frowned as he reread the note. Who had sent it, whatever 'it' was? He didn't recognize the writing, but that didn't mean much. There were charms to disguise a person's writing. He looked up and realized he was standing outside Professor Snape's quarters. He knocked and waited, gazing at the package. He would have to make sure it was safe before he opened it.

"Do you enjoy ignoring me, Potter?" Snape's voice broke into his head and he jumped.

"Sorry?" Harry said, trying to ignore the fact that was extremely close to his most hated professor.

"I told you to enter three times." Snape raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I was distracted," Harry said and raised his mysterious parcel. "Hedwig just brought it. I don't know who sent it."

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