Chapter 14

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Harry took a deep breath. "Ithinsomenetamredwithmymemry," he said in a rush.

Severus blinked at him, clearly trying to decipher the words, but eventually seemed unable to. "Say that again, but slower."

"I think someone tampered with my memory," Harry repeated, slowly looking in Severus' eyes. The face held no emotion, but he was pretty sure he saw a flash of shock in the onyx depths.

"Why do you think this?" Severus asked.

"I have this memory, but there's something...wrong with it. It's clear, but not as clear as it probably should be as it's a memory from only a week ago. It's fuzzy and it doesn't seem like it fits," Harry told him.

"What do you mean?" Severus frowned.

"I think someone used the False Memory Charm on me," Harry said.


Harry swallowed, but didn't answer.

"Harry, I need the entire story here," Severus told him.

"But, I don't know what the story is. There's something wrong with my memory of it," Harry said, sounding desperate.

"Let me see the memory," Severus said and Harry blinked.

"You mean Legilimency?" Harry asked and the professor nodded. Harry hesitated, but eventually he agreed.

Severus pulled out his wand and put the tip to Harry's temple. "Just relax," he said quietly and Harry nodded, taking a few deep breaths. He met Severus' eye as a way to say he was ready. "Legilimens," he whispered and the memory in question instantly began playing before them.

They watched as Professor Sallon called Harry and Draco to the front of the room. Sallon cast the Imperius Curse on Harry, but he threw it off. Sallon turned his wand on Draco, but paused when Draco sent the Cruciatus Curse at Harry who jumped aside. The whole thing was kind of hazy, but cleared up when Harry and Draco walked back to their desks.

The memory faded before coming back, once again looking hazy. Sallon had his wand pointed at Harry who was looking down at Draco. The Slytherin was on the floor, an eye swelling and a cheek bruising. Sallon was yelling, but they couldn't make out the words. The professor pointed at the door, and Harry and Draco left.

Severus slowly pulled out of Harry's mind and summoned tea from the kitchen. He flicked his wand and the tea poured itself. He added a small bit of milk and one teaspoon of sugar to Harry's before handing him the cup. He added about a tablespoon of milk to his and sat back, sipping the hot liquid. He went over the facts in his head, fully aware of Harry nervously fidgeting next to him.

"Stay here. I'm going to collect Draco. There is something strange going on," Severus told him, putting his tea down.

"So, you believe me?" Harry asked as the Potions Master got to his feet.

"I always believed you, Harry. Stay here. I won't be gone long," Severus said and left the quarters.

Harry quietly sipped his tea. He hoped Severus could find out what was wrong and fix it. He had been so confused over the memory. He knew there was something wrong with it, but he didn't know what. Shaking his head, he stared into the flames in the fireplace, listening to the wood burn. He looked up when the door opened. Severus entered with Draco behind him. Severus sat Draco in one of the chairs opposite the sofa on which he resumed his seat.

"Why am I here? What's going on?" Draco asked, looking at Harry who was avoiding his eyes.

"It seems that Harry's mind has been tampered with," Severus said and Draco's eyes widened.

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