Chapter 29

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The snow slowly began melting as the remaining days of February passed and March began. The weather became less bitter. However, Harry Potter took no notice of the warming weather falling around Hogwarts for he was far too distracted by other thoughts. While the attack on the Romanian school had by no means been forgotten, it had been pushed to the back of the mind.

Except Harry, that is.

He couldn't forget it. Emmeline Vance had died in the attack and Harry had been told that his honorary brother, Kingsley Shacklebolt had been injured. He would not be able to let go of thoughts of the attack until Kingsley had returned home. He was meant to be home any day now, Emmeline's body with him.

Harry sighed and shook his head as he slowly, absently, wandered the corridors. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes were distant like his thoughts. He had no idea where he was going, but he didn't care. All he cared about was Kingsley coming home alive.

"Harry!" He stopped walking at Draco's call.


"Harry, you should go to the Hospital Wing," Draco said and Harry frowned.

"Why? I'm not injured or sick," Harry said.

"Not for you. Harry, Kingsley's back," Draco said and Harry took off for the Hospital Wing. Draco didn't register Harry's actions for a few moments, but then he ran after the Gryffindor. He caught up just as Harry was throwing the infirmary doors open.

"Where is he?" Harry asked immediately. The Hospital Wing was filled with people, all crowding around one bed.

"Harry—" Dumbledore started to say, but Harry cut him off.

"Where is he?" Harry repeated through clenched teeth.

"Let him through. He'll end up cursing everyone if you don't," a familiar deep voice said and Harry fought a smile. He walked forward as the crowd parted, revealing a smiling Kingsley on the bed. Harry acknowledged a figure in a distant bed covered by a white sheet, but did not give it a glance.

"Kingsley," Harry whispered.

"Hey, kid," Kingsley said and Harry ran to the black man, wrapping his arms around Kingsley's neck.

"I was so worried. I thought you were dead and then I read about Emmeline and then I heard you were injured," Harry muttered into his brother's ear.

"I'm fine, Harry. I was hit with some Cutting Curses and Burning Hexes. I was also hit with a Bone-Breaking Curse, nearly shattered my leg," Kingsley told him. Harry pulled back and smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed. That was one reason he loved talking to Kingsley so much. Like Severus, the man never lied to him and didn't try to put bad things pleasantly. Sure, he kept things from Harry like Severus, but only when he was unable to say anything or believed it not to be of much importance.

"Why did it take so long for you to get back?" Harry asked, aware that they were being watched by all the others.

"I had to help gather the dead and injured and clean the rubble. I helped call for the families of the dead and I had to find Emmeline. I wouldn't leave without her. I also assisted in sending the other students home," Kingsley explained and Harry nodded.

"The girl that Emmeline saved. Is she alright?" Harry wondered, casting a quick glance at the white sheet.

"A few cuts and bruises and she was shaken, but she is all right, more or less. Her parents came to pick her up mere hours after the attack," Kingsley said.

"That is all for now, you two. I must heal Mr. Shacklebolt," Madam Pomfrey interrupted, shooing Harry off the bed. He scowled, but obeyed. It was then that he took full notice of the others in the wing.

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