Chapter 24

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As Harry predicted, news of the friendship between Harry Potter and Severus Snape had made it to every corner of Hogwarts in only a couple days. Loads of rumours and speculations were going around the school as not everyone believed the friendship was real. Many brought their less than pleasant past into the question and Harry found it was a valid argument. Others wondered if one, or both, of them were under a spell or potion, both of which caused Severus to roll his eyes and mutter about the stupidity of students. Harry also discovered that there were some that didn't believe the friendship was real because Severus was still the same git in class and to Harry.

"Really, they expect me to become another Dumbledore simply because we are friends," Severus had said when he heard some of the comments, making Harry burst out laughing at the mental image of Severus in colourful robes, twinkling eyes, and offering lemon drops to the students.

Then, predictably, you have those that believed they were traitors to have befriended each other.

"I'm already a traitor and a much worse one than simply befriending Harry Potter," Severus had said pointedly and Harry had rolled his eyes.

In short, Severus' patience and temper had been shorter due to all the gossip. Harry could also be found trying to disappear everywhere he went from the glares and glances and wondering gazes.

Harry had not yet spoken to Ron. However, he had returned to Gryffindor Tower the next night as he had promised Severus, but that didn't mean it had gone well or that he had stayed.


Harry walked through the open portrait and found that, as soon as he was visible to everyone in the common room, the place fell silent. He mentally rolled his eyes and headed straight for the stairs to go up to the boys' dorms. He had just reached the stairs when his name was called.

"Hey, Potter!" He heard Seamus call and he turned around.

Seamus was getting to his feet from where he had been sitting on a lounge chair with Dean. Dean was clearly trying to stop his boyfriend, but to no avail. Everyone in the common room was staring between Harry and Seamus.

"Did you need something, Seamus?" Harry said once the Irish boy was standing before him, but giving no indication of speaking.

"So, is it true? Are you and Snape buddies now?" Seamus said, crossing his arms.

"If I say no, can I leave?" Harry said sardonically.

"So, it's true then?" Seamus said and Harry sighed.

"Why does it matter?" Harry asked.

"Well, if you are, then you are as much a traitor as he is, aren't you?" Seamus said and Harry glared at his housemate.

"So, I'm a traitor now, am I?" Harry said.

"If you're buddies with Snape, yes." Seamus nodded.

"So, I'm a traitor if I'm friends with Professor Snape, but not if I'm friends with Draco Malfoy, which I have been for months now," Harry said, staring at Seamus.

"We never said we liked your friendship with Malfoy, we simply tolerated it. However, friends with Snape is a whole other story. Yes, being friends with Snape gets you labelled as a traitor, just like him," Seamus said.

"This is ridiculous. You are all so prejudiced against Slytherins," Harry said.

"Because they're evil, Potter, or are you too busy befriending them to notice?" Seamus said.

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