Chapter 40

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"At this time, students should be finishing their packing and putting their luggage in the Entrance Hall. The Hogwarts Express will be leaving for London in a half hour."

Harry sighed at the announcement and placed more clothes into his trunk. There was a small pile of items on his bed behind his trunk that he wasn't moving to pack. Hedwig was perched on a bed post, watching him with wide amber eyes. She hooted softly when Harry placed her bag of treats in the small pile on the bed.

"You'll be staying here with Severus and Ivory. Severus will take care of you while I'm gone," Harry said, stroking her lightly. He sighed again and resumed packing just as Severus walked into the room.

"I don't know why you're packing," the Potions Master said, crossing his arms.

"I need clothes, Severus," Harry said even though he knew it's not what Severus had meant.

"You're not going," Severus said and Harry shook his head in exasperation. Severus had been saying the same thing since the previous night. A couple hours after they had returned home from the graduation, Harry had begun packing. Severus had kept telling him to stop packing and that he wasn't going back to Privet Drive.


"No, you're not going back," Severus said and Harry thought with a smile that the man sounded like a protesting teenager.

"There's nothing you can do, Severus. I have to go," Harry said, putting in more clothes.

"Fine, but don't pack everything. You won't be there long," Severus said and Harry smiled slightly.

"You'll try, Sev'rus," Harry said. "I'm leaving Hedwig with you. I don't trust bringing her back with me. I don't know what my uncle would do to her."

"You'll be back before you know it," Severus insisted, watching as Harry shut his trunk.

Harry pulled the small pile towards him.

"Students should now be heading to the carriages to go to the station. The train will be leaving in five minutes."

"I have to go. I'm leaving some things here with you. There's Hedwig's treats, my invisibility cloak, the Marauder's Map, most of what I got for Christmas, and my photo album. I'm also leaving this," Harry pulled something from his pocket. He took one of Severus' hands and held it palm up. He placed the item in his hand.

"Your pocket watch from Draco? Harry, you've never let this out of your sight," Severus said, staring at the silver watch.

"I know, but I don't want to bring it to Privet Drive. If my uncle found it, I'd never see it again. I want you to keep it for now. I trust you with it," Harry said. "I have to go," he added and shrunk his trunk, putting it in his pocket. He leaned up and, consciously this time, kissed Severus' cheek. "Goodbye," he said and left their rooms. He raced through the school and managed to catch the last carriage with a few young Ravenclaws.

Reaching the station, Harry boarded the train and found an empty compartment. He put his trunk overhead and sat down. His window was facing the school and the station, and he gazed around. He was startled when a large group moved and he spotted Severus. Their eyes met and held. Harry felt his eyes water and knew he was about to cry even as he raised his hand, placing his palm on the window.

The train jerked and began to move slowly. He watched with blurry eyes as the station, Hogwarts, and Severus disappeared from view. His hand fell from the window as the tears fell. He buried his face in his hands as he cried, not noticing when someone sat with him and closed the blinds on the compartment's door. Eventually, he calmed down and removed his hands to find Luna sitting across from him with a copy of The Quibbler.

Spur of the MomentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora