Chapter 27

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Note: Ovidius School of Magic is an actual school in Romania called Ovidius High School. I just made it a wizarding school instead (this was before all the info about the other wizarding schools was out).


Draco and Severus were still sitting in the same places when Harry returned, but their conversation had changed.

"Better?" Draco asked when Harry sat next to him again.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"So, what do you think?" Severus asked.

"It's real. All of it, it's real," Harry said and the Slytherins stared at him. "Look, I know it's never been proven, but hear me out. I ran into Luna and--"

"Luna? Oh, this oughta be good." Draco snorted, sitting back and crossing his arms, looking at Harry in amusement.

"Shut up, Draco. I know she seems strange, but she knows what she's talking about," Harry said. "She told me all about this story and the legend behind it, and it all fits."

"What are you on about?" Draco frowned.

"The brothers were the Peverell brothers. The oldest, Cadmus, got the Elder Wand. The second, Antioch, got the Resurrection Stone. The youngest, Ignotus, got the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son before he died. It's been passed down through the generations for centuries," Harry told them.

"You think your Invisibility Cloak is the one from the story?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"I know it is. Luna told me all about it and it was as though she was describing my Cloak." Harry nodded.

"Fine," Draco said. "Let's say, hypothetically, that your Cloak is the Cloak from the story. What about the other two things?"

Harry took the picture Luna had given him out of his pocket and unfolded it. He handed it to Severus. "Look familiar?" he said.

Severus examined the black stone in the picture. "It's the stone on the Peverell ring."

Harry nodded. "It's also the Resurrection Stone."

"He made the Resurrection Stone a horcrux?" Severus frowned. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't think he knows it's the Resurrection Stone. I'm sure he knows about the Hallows. He would've wanted to know about such powerful objects and he probably heard the legends about the Peverell brothers, people from his own family. I guarantee he knows all of it is true," Harry said.

"Hold on," Draco interrupted. "What's this about a ring and horcruxes?"

Severus and Harry glanced at each other as if silently asking if they should tell the young Slytherin everything they knew. Finally, Harry spoke. "We'll tell you all about it after. Let's get through this first."

Draco nodded.

"Alright, so we've got the Cloak and the Stone," Draco said. "What about the Wand?"

"Luna said that no one really knows where the Elder Wand is. Because it's so powerful, people have always wanted it. People have killed for it so it's never stayed within the Peverell family. It's gone through families and generations over the past few hundred years. So, no one's truly known where the real Elder Wand has been for ages. Luna, though, believes it's probably hidden in plain sight," Harry explained when Luna had told him.

"Alright. I believe that it's real," Draco said, "but now what? It's not like we have all three of the Hallows."

"We have to find that ring," Harry said, looking at Severus who nodded in agreement.

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