Chapter 12

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"Oh, Harry, you're awake," Dumbledore said as he entered the Hospital Wing to find Harry buttoning up his shirt. He had just been about to leave the infirmary and now he had a feeling he would not get to leave for some time.

When he had woken up, he had been surprised to see Severus in a chair next to his bed, immersed in a book. He knew the professor wanted to talk to him later that night about 'things', but to sit and watch over him while he slept because there was no one else there...he wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Hello, Professor," Harry said, sitting back on his bed. "Can I do something for you, sir?"

"I simply wished to speak with you, my boy," Dumbledore said, conjuring a chair and sitting by the bed.

"About?" Harry asked even though he was pretty positive what it would be about.

"What you saw last night," Dumbledore said and Harry nodded, refraining from rolling his eyes. "What happened, Harry?"

"I don't even know how I saw it because Voldemort wasn't there. I was in this street and all the lights were out. One streetlamp came on and the Death Eaters arrived. I followed them into the house and upstairs to the bedroom. One of the Death Eaters lit their wand and then they started attacking Hermione's parents. I woke up after they started attacking. I don't understand how I saw it, though, because Voldemort wasn't there and neither was Nagini," Harry told him.

"Perhaps it is similar to what happened last year, Harry, with the vision of Sirius. Except it was a truce vision instead of false like that one," Dumbledore suggested.

"Maybe." Harry shrugged. "Was that all, Professor? No offence, but I'm feeling hungry. I didn't eat much breakfast," he said, standing up.

"Of course, Harry. Have a good day, my boy." Dumbledore nodded. Harry smiled slightly and headed out the door, but not before sending one last glance at Professor Snape who was busy treating Mrs. Granger. Their eyes met for a moment before Harry broke it and left the Hospital Wing.

Harry breathed deeply as he walked through the corridors, heading for the Great Hall. He was sure it was all around the school by now that he had had a vision and helped save Hermione's parents. Since it was lunch, however, there were no students in the halls, so he was able to avoid confrontations.

"Mr. Gryffindor!" he heard Draco call and turned around to see Draco running down a hallway he knew led to the library.

"Hey, Mr. Slytherin." Harry smiled at his friend.

"Glad to see you out of the infirmary," Draco said. "Is that your first time in the Hospital Wing this year?"

"Prat. I'll have you know that, yes, it was my first time this year," Harry said, shoving his shoulder.

Draco laughed. "Well, you still have time. I'm sure you'll be in there a few more times by the time June comes around."

"Oh, shut up." Harry shook his head in amusement.

"So, what's going on with you and Mr. Godfather of Mine?" Draco asked as they walked to the Great Hall.

"Why do all you people assume there's something going on? You all make it sound like we're attracted to each other or something." Harry frowned.

"Well, you are both gay." Draco gave a little shrug and Harry shook his head, a smile creeping onto his face again.

"You are such a prick, Draco. I am not attracted to him at all, you know that," Harry said. "He's gay?" he said as an afterthought.

"You didn't know? Hm, interesting. Anyways, I'm just saying that he is your type. Male, gay, older, Slytherin. Need I go on?" Draco raised an eyebrow, grinning.

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