Chapter 13

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"Harry, why are you avoiding  me? What did I do?" Draco called after Harry who was once again running in the opposite direction of him after spotting him.

"Look, Draco, I'm trying to figure something out, okay? I just...I just need some space, some time," Harry told him, avoiding the Slytherin's eyes.

"And I can't help? Harry, you always tell me when you need help," Draco said. "Ever since we got held back in Sallon's class last week, you've been acting weird and avoiding me."

"Draco, I know and I'm sorry, but I need time. There's something going on. When I figure it all out, I'll tell you, okay? I just really need to do this on my own," Harry said, hitching his bag higher onto his shoulder. He was nearly late for his Potions lesson with Severus. "I have to go. I'm going to be late for lessons with Professor Snape."

"Harry, at least promise me something," Draco said, stopping him when he began to walk away. Harry turned back around. "Tell me what's going on as soon as you can and, if you won't tell me now, at least tell Severus."


"Promise me, Harry. He can help you. You don't have to do everything alone and he can help you," Draco said.

Harry stared into Draco's silver eyes that had lost some of their shine in the last week. He was missing something. When they had left Sallon the week before, Draco couldn't help but think he was missing memories. Add to that Harry avoiding him--his best friend avoiding him--it was no wonder Draco seemed to be shutting everyone and everything out.

"I will." Harry nodded. "I'll tell him, I promise."

"Thank you." Draco gave him a smile. "Now, go. Otherwise, Severus will hex you for being late."

"Bye, Slytherin." Harry waved and ran down to the dungeons.

"Bye, Gryffindor," Draco called after him as he disappeared. Draco sighed and walked in the opposite direction, the Astronomy Tower in mind. Harry had introduced the Tower to him, telling him it was a good place to go when you needed to be alone and wanted to think. Draco had agreed immediately and had taken to secluding himself in the Tower like Harry did.

Draco climbed the stairs and when he turned the corner, felt the bitter cold breeze hit his skin. Okay, so it probably wasn't smart to hang out in the Astronomy Tower in the evening when it was the beginning of December in Scotland. However, he just couldn't bring himself to care so he walked over to his usual spot and sat down, leaning against the stone wall and staring out at the landscape beyond. He wrapped his cloak around himself tightly to keep out the chill.

"Young Draco Malfoy." He looked up when he heard the familiar voice belonging to Ivory. He watched as she landed on his knee. "It has been some time since we have spoken."

"Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Draco nodded. "Guess I've just been busy this year."

"Yes, being the best friend of Harry Potter is a full time job," Ivory said and Draco laughed.

"You can say that again. It definitely takes some work and patience," Draco said, chuckling.

"What is wrong, Draco? You have lost the shine in your eyes," Ivory said, cocking her head to the side as she observed him.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "You make me sound like Dumbledore."

"No, that old man twinkles. You shine," Ivory said and Draco laughed again.

"It's nothing, Ivory. I'm fine," Draco said with a sigh, looking out at the rolling hills again that had a light dusting of snow on them.

"There is something, dear. What is it?" Ivory asked softly.

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