Chapter 21

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"Draco, come look at this," Harry said and Draco walked from the kitchen, falling onto the sofa next to his friend.

"What's up?" he asked, noticing Harry had a large book in his lap. It was opened about halfway and was filled with what seemed to be names and lines.

"This is the ancestry book that Remus got me. I opened it and asked for the Malfoy family lines. Look, they go back centuries. This must go to the Middle Ages at the least. And in eighteen forty-five there's someone named Sirius. Since you're cousins with the Blacks, your lines are deeply entwined," Harry said, pointing to the top of the page where it said Sirius: 1845-1853. There was also a red line through the name.

"That's so cool. I'm assuming the red line crossing out names means they're dead," Draco said, motioning to the many red lines crossing out names.

"I think when they're underlined with a blue line it means they're in Azkaban. See Rodolphus and Rabastan? They're both in Azkaban and they're underlined with blue," Harry said.

"This is amazing. Where did Lupin get this?" Draco asked, looking at the people that were somehow connected to him.

"He said in the card that he didn't get it in London or even in England. He got it somewhere else in Europe." Harry shrugged, looking at how the Potters and Weasleys were connected to the Malfoys.

"It must've cost him a fortune," Draco said and Harry agreed. "As for the Potter lines."

Harry nodded and closed the book. "Potter," he said and opened the book halfway through again. The pages were filled with names and black solid lines, black broken lines, blue lines, and red lines. "Wow," he breathed as he stared at the family tree.

"Look, the Peverells," Draco said, pointing near the top of the page. "Harry, the Riddles are here."

"I know." Harry nodded. "I'm related to Voldemort." He sighed.

"How long have you known?"

"Not long. I knew I was related to the Peverells, but it wasn't until recently that I learned about the Gaunts and the Riddles," Harry said, staring at the offending name in his family lines: Tom Marvolo Riddle: 1929 - present. "You know, I really wish that 'present' was actually a year. That way it would mean he was dead."

"Yeah, I know. Wouldn't that be fantastic? A world without Voldemort," Draco said wistfully and Harry sighed.

"I think that's a long time coming," Harry said with a small smile as he closed the ancestry book. "Come on. Let's go to breakfast," he added and got to his feet when Draco nodded. They changed quickly, Draco watching his Gryffindor friend closely. To anyone who didn't really know Harry, it would see as if the boy was perfectly happy. However, Draco knew him better and he could see the barely noticeable signs of slight defeat. The Slytherin sighed as he thought about all that was placed on his friend's shoulders.

Bloody war and bloody Voldemort, he thought bitterly.

"Ready?" Harry asked, breaking the blonde's train of thought.

Draco felt his lips twitch and try to form a smile when he saw Harry pick up the pocket watch. "Yeah, let's go."

They left the quarters, wishing Demetri and Jeremy a happy Christmas, and headed for the Great Hall. They didn't see a single person so everyone must've already been in the hall. The two walked into the Great Hall only to be assaulted by loud noise and colourful lights.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Draco exclaimed as they shielded their eyes to prevent losing their sight all together.

"Happy Christmas, boys!" the unmistakable voice of Albus Dumbledore greeted over the noise.

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