Chapter 9

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They didn't know when it had happened, but eventually they heard a click and knew the door had finally opened. Harry glanced at the door before turning to his professor who was pulling his outer teaching robes back on.

"So, um, what happens now?" Harry asked timidly. The two had really hit personal levels while trapped in the room and Harry wondered if they had forged some kind of a friendship. He hoped they had, but what would happen now they were to get back to the real world? Would whatever truce they had come to an end?

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

"Um, I just  mean...I mean, what...well, I..."

"Harry," Severus said and Harry's head snapped up at the sound of his name. "Sit." He pointed to one of the desks. Harry sat on the desk, and Severus pulled another up beside him and took a seat. "What are you worried about?"

"About what's going to happen when we leave this room," Harry whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that it's like we've come to some kind of a truce or something while we've been in here. I'm just wondering if that'll end when we go back out there," Harry said, staring at the desktop.

Severus looked at Harry silently for a bit. "Harry, while I agree that we have seemed to, as you said, come to a truce, it is too dangerous to let anyone know about it. Surely this was Albus' plan, that we put aside our differences, but we must act the same as we always have. We must act as though we still hate each other."

"I figured as much." Harry nodded, letting out a breath. He was disappointed in the answer even though he knew it had been what his professor would say.

"Harry, we will still see each other every night. When we have our lessons or any other time we're alone, we do not have to pretend," Severus told him.

"I suppose." Harry sighed. "I guess we should go," he said and jumped off the desk, heading for the door. He was about to open the door when it opened itself to reveal Dumbledore, smiling and twinkling away like mad.

"Albus," Severus said. "Glad you could show up."

"Hello, Severus. Harry. I am pleased to see you are both alive," Dumbledore said.

"Hardly," Harry said. "He nearly killed me at first."

"Not likely, Mr. Potter. If I wanted you dead--"

"I know, I know. I'd be dead already. You said that while trying to kill me," Harry said and grinned sheepishly at his professor's raised eyebrow.

"Now, Albus, how long were we in that blasted classroom and what exactly was the goal of our imprisonment?" Severus asked, crossing his arms, looking completely intimidating.

"You were in there for two days and eleven hours. As for the goal, well, it seems the goal has been met. You two have set aside your differences," Dumbledore said with a smile and Severus glared at him.

"We were in there for nearly three days?" Harry gasped.

"Yes, my boy." Dumbledore nodded.

"Albus, was this really necessary? I understand you want us to bond, but I hardly think imprisonment was the way to go," Severus said.

"It worked, didn't it, Severus?" Dumbledore said. Severus opened his mouth to reply, but shut it, grumbling. Dumbledore chuckled at the man. "Now, run along, boys, and do try to keep this relationship. I believe it will do you some good, for yourselves and for the war. Good night, boys," he said and walked away, leaving Severus and Harry to stare after him.

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