Chapter 17

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Note: This chapter has a memory from HBP and it takes up pretty much the entire chapter. Back when I wrote this, I did not do well at making the memory my own, so a lot of it IS copied from HBP. As such, massive disclaimer that IT IS NOT MINE. It belongs to JKR.


Harry wandered into the Great Hall the next morning, happily chatting with Draco.

"So, what'd you get him? What'd you get me?" Draco asked for the hundredth time since they had walked from Gryffindor Tower to the Hall.

"Draco, I'm not going to tell you what I got you. As for what I got him, I've already told you," Harry said in exasperation, but retaining a fond gleam in his eyes.

"Come on, I'll tell you what I got you," Draco pleaded and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Draco, no," Harry said with a small laugh. "Just leave it. You know I'm not going to tell you."

"Fine," Draco said, throwing himself into a seat at the table. "See if I care."

"Oh, you care." Harry smirked and Draco glared at him. Harry laughed and ducked when Draco threw a spoon at his head.


Harry sighed as he turned the page of one of Slytherin's journals. He was sitting in the Great Hall again that afternoon. He hadn't translated this one yet. It was Slytherin's personal journal and he wanted to read it first; he thought he might find something useful. They were looking for special items connected to the Founders and where better to get information than from one of the Founders? He hadn't come across anything yet, but he was enjoying reading about the Founders' friendship and the plans to create Hogwarts.

It will be fantastic. A school to teach magic. It is very exciting to be a part of this creation. There is much planning to be done still, but we cannot wait to get started.

Sal. S.

Harry smiled and turned the page again. The Founders had definitely been very excited to create the school. He read a few more short entries before something caught his eye and he read the entry.

Helga is frantic. She has everyone searching for it. I'm not sure what is so important about her goblet, but I suppose it has the same importance my locket holds. With that thought, I must help find it.


Harry stared at the page in shock. Was that one of them? Was this goblet Helga Hufflepuff's prized possession like Slytherin's locket or Gryffindor's sword? And, if it was, had Voldemort found it and turned it into a horcrux? Where was the goblet now?

Harry was so focused on his thoughts and the journal that he failed to notice someone coming up behind him. He jumped violently and pulled his wand out, spinning around when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Professor!" Harry gasped when he registered that it was Dumbledore before him. He finally realized he had his wand pointed at the headmaster and lowered it with a sheepish expression. "Sorry, Professor."

"Quite alright, my boy," Dumbledore said with a smile.

Harry fought the urge to roll his eyes at the old man. I could cast the Cruciatus at him and he'd be fine with it.

"I was wondering if you could come to my office. I have something I would like to discuss with you," Dumbledore said and Harry nodded.

"Of course, Professor." He got to his feet and put the journal in his pocket. He followed the headmaster in silence up to Dumbledore's office. Entering the office, Fawkes the phoenix flew to Harry's shoulder as Harry took his usual seat.

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