Chapter 32

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Harry lay on his bed, once again reading Slytherin's book. He was getting desperate. He had to find out how to destroy the horcruxes. He ran a hand through his hair and turned the page. He didn't even look up when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," he said and heard his already partially door swing open completely.

"Harry, we have to work," Severus said.

"I am. I'm researching ways to destroy the horcruxes," Harry said, still not looking up at his friend.

"Harry, I know you're avoiding these lessons," Severus said and Harry knew he had crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not avoiding anything. I'm just working on something else," Harry said, determinedly keeping his eyes on the book though he was no longer reading.

"We have to do this. You have to learn," Severus said and Harry finally looked up at him.

"I can't do it, Severus, and you know it. I'm miserable at Occlumency. I've never been able to do it and I'll never be able to. We might as well just give up on it," Harry said, hating the topic of choice.

"We are not giving up on this, Harry, not yet. Until we know for sure that you can't do it, we are going to keep trying," Severus said and Harry sighed.

"Severus, you know I can't do Occlumency. Look at last year and even just the lessons we've had this year. If I could do it, I would've managed by now," Harry said.

"Come on, Harry. We're going to try something different," Severus said and motioned for Harry to follow him as he walked back into the sitting room. Harry sighed again and followed the dark man. Severus was sitting on one end of the sofa, his back to the fireplace and Harry sat opposite him.

"I still think this is pointless. All that's going to happen is that we're going to end up screaming at each other and not talking until tomorrow," Harry said pointedly as he sat down.

"Harry," Severus said and Harry knew he was pushing it. Harry sighed again, but didn't speak. "Instead of trying to push me out of your mind, I want you to try and changed memories. Bring another memory to the front of your mind to block the memory I am trying to view," he explained and Harry nodded.

"I'll try."

"That's all I ask," Severus said and pulled out his wand. "Ready?" Harry nodded.


Harry felt the effects of the spell immediately and memories began flying to the forefront of his mind until they settled on just one. It was the memory of Harry's talk with Dumbledore after watching the first three memories. Harry quickly forced another memory over it and soon they were watching Draco Malfoy as a ferret bouncing up and down. Severus pulled out and found Harry laughing.

"That is one of the best memories I have," Harry said, wiping away an errant tear.

"Yes, it is quite amusing and quite degrading," Severus said, smirking, inwardly very pleased to see Harry looking like a normal happy teenager, even if only for a few moments. "Let's try again, shall we? You did well. Try and get a memory faster. Legilimens."

Memories flew past again before they settled on a memory of Severus comforting Harry after Kingsley left during Christmas holidays. Harry threw forward a memory of a Quidditch match from his second year. He could feel Severus trying to get the other memory back, but Harry held firm and they watched as Draco flew off his broom and Harry lost the bones in his arm. Severus pulled out again and Harry was grinning. He raised an eyebrow.

"Draco has had as much bad luck as I have," Harry said, chuckling.

"I don't think that's possible, brat, but it's close," Severus said. "What exactly happened at the end, with Lockhart?"

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