Chapter 6

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The days passed slowly. Fall faded into winter and longer than it seemed, there was a month until Christmas holidays. The beginning of November brought frigid temperatures and icy winds and light snowfalls that were just dying to get heavier. Both Harry and Draco had received more detentions from Sallon, each time returning with a new set of bruises and cuts.

The work with Harry and Snape had gotten nowhere. They were still fighting and yelling every day. There had been no progress in Occlumency or the research. Harry was the same at Potions as always. The only time they seemed to get along marginally well was during their Defence lessons and only because they got to hex each other. So, it was more anger release and revenge than actual lessons.

Harry and Snape both knew Dumbledore was becoming increasingly agitated that they could not work together, but all they had to say was that they had told him the arrangement would never work.

It was in Dumbledore's office that the two wizards could be found, sitting in front of the desk and glaring at the headmaster.

"Really, you two. It has been over two months now and you have gotten nowhere on your work. I could say that Harry has learned some defence, but all you two do is hex each other in a way to burn off the anger you two feel towards each other," Dumbledore said. 

Snape continued to glare at the man while Harry averted his eyes, hearing the disappointment in Dumbledore's voice.

"We told you that this would not work, Albus. You know we cannot work together. We cannot even be in the same room together for too long," Snape said casually.

"Severus, you must work together. If you two could set aside whatever differences you have, you would make an excellent team," Dumbledore told them.

"Sir, I don't think it's going to work. I mean, we tried, but it didn't work. He just hates me too much, sir. I resemble my father too much for this to ever work. We understand that you wanted us to form some kind of friendship or whatever so that we could have a better chance of winning the war, but it's not going to work. I'm sorry, Professor," Harry said and slowly walked from the office.

Dumbledore turned to Snape. "You must try, Severus. See past what you believe to be true and find the real truth underneath. You may be surprised by what you find."

"Fine," Snape spat. "Good evening, Albus," he said and left the room in a whirl of black robes.


That night, Harry walked down to the dungeons for another night of research. They were looking for anything. Any patterns or clues...anything. So far, they had found much. They had found a couple of possible Death Eater hideouts, but none had been successful.

Harry shook his head and knocked on the door. "Enter," he heard Snape say and he walked through the doorway into the familiar sitting room. He immediately dropped his bag by the door, walked to the coffee table, picked up an old Daily Prophet, and began perusing it as he sat in his usual chair. It was the same routine and he had learned to do it without having to speak to Snape.

"Potter," Snape said and Harry looked up from his paper.

"Yes, sir?" Harry asked.

"We will forego work tonight," Snape said and Harry raised an eyebrow, trying to keep his eyes from widening in shock.


"I feel that perhaps the headmaster is correct," Snape said and, this time, Harry was unable to stop his eyes from growing wide. "Tonight, we will simply talk."

"Talk?" Harry repeated.

"Yes. Perhaps if we knew each other better, we'd get along better," Snape said and Harry had to wonder how painful it was for the Potions Master to be so civil to him.

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