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Few Weeks Later
Ddot's POV

Today is the day I've been dreading and that's Tyler's funeral. "Ddot have you gotten dressed yet?" Dd asked me as he walked in my room. "No not yet." I said to him.

"Ddot come on you have to get dressed." he said to me. "I don't want to go to this funeral I can't go." I said to him. "I know it's going to be hard but you have to go at least for Jazzy can see her dad one last time." he said to me.

"You know all she does is cry everyday because she's so used to talking to him everyday and now she can't do that." I said to him. "I know this is going to be hard for both of you but I keep telling you that you both have me and Kay to help you both through this." he said to me.

"How is Kay taking this I know it's hard for him too since he's known Ty since he moved down here to Florida." I said to him. "He's taking it well oddly he's been going to visit Tyler's mom a lot to check on her and taking care of himself too." he said to me.

"I can't see Christina today she's just going to blame this on me." I said to him. "She's not going to do shit especially with both of our moms being there she's knows if she even gets out of line with you that they going to be her on ass." he said to me.

"She doesn't even know I'm pregnant." I said to him. "Who doesn't know you're pregnant?" he asked me. "Christina and honestly I'm scared to tell her I'm pregnant because knowing her she might try and take this baby like how she's still trying to do with Jazzy." I said to him.

"Then don't tell her until you're ready because you don't need to be stressed out during this pregnancy especially since you're already emotional you don't need anyone putting you at risk." he said to me. "Yeah you're right and don't worry I'm not going to let anyone stress me or this baby out." I said to him.

"Good now are you ready to get dressed now?" he asked me. "Yeah just give me a few minutes and then I'll come out my room when I'm ready." I said to him. "Okay I'm going to be with the kids if you need me for anything." he said to me and then he walked out my room.

"Alright let me get dressed so I can get this day over with." I said to myself. So then I went in my closet to look for the outfit I was going to wear. "I'll just put this together." I said to myself as I picked out the outfit and then put it on.

After I put on the outfit I decided to do my hair which I'm just going to straighten since I don't want to wear my curly hair. As I was doing my hair there was a knock at my door. "Come in." I said to them and then Jazzy came in my room.

"You okay Jazzy?" I asked her as she came and sat on my vanity chair with me. "Yes I'm okay." she said to me. "You know today is going to be a hard day." I said to her. "I know but I'll be okay." she said to me.

And it's the fact that my five year old is most likely going to be able to handle this day better than I am. "Mommy." she said to me. "Yes?" I asked her.

"When my baby brother or sister is born are we going to tell them about daddy even though he's not here anymore?" she asked me. "Yes because even though they won't get to see your dad like how you did they will still need to know about him." I said to her.

"Even the bad stuff?" she asked me. "We will tell them the things that they want to know like how he was like what's was his favorite color or favorite food things like that but I don't think I will tell them about what he actually did until they are older." I said to her.

"Is it my fault daddy is dead?" she asked me and then I stopped doing my hair. "No Jazzy this is not your fault it's just daddy knew what he was getting into but sometimes things can take an unexpected turn." I said to her.

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