Chapter 4:-

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Diana's (P.O.V):

As I gathered my stuff I closed my locker and took out the map to find the room for maths class. As I was looking at the map I bumped into someone. Oh god what is it with me and bumping in people on the first day!

"Oh I am really sorry!" The girl said. I looked up at her and I instantly knew who she was.

"You are Diana right!?" She said. I nodded.

"You are Kelly! Right?" She nodded.

"I am so glad we met again! So what class you have right now?" She asked excitedly.

"Umm maths? You!"


"Good! I won't get lost then!" I joked. She laughed.

"Come on! We have to reach before the bell rings." She took my hand and led me to the class.

As we entered the class, the whole class became silent and stared at us.

"Why are they staring at us!" I asked Kelly.

"Not us.. You! And because you are a new student!" She replied.

"Oh!" I spotted a guy in the class who looked awfully similar. And then it clicked me.... Isn't he the guy from the park. I shrugged and settled down in my seat.

"Welcome to Stanford High Ms Evans!" The teacher said.

"Thank you!"
After that boring math class I had no class with Kelly. It was now break time and I was at my locker putting my things back.

"Boo!" I jumped and turned around to find Kelly.

"God you scared me!" I put a hand on my heart.

"Haha!" Eventually Kelly has been in this school from 3 years but she was always a loner. She had no friends too and was shy like me.
Although she wasn't bullied.
And to be honest... It was nice finally making a friend.

I saw that Kelly had also bought her lunch. We walked into the cafeteria and found a seat in the corner. We settled there.

"So... You like reading books?" Kelly asked.

"A lot! I can't stay away from books! Back at home in Boulder, I would spent my free time reading books and nothing else!"

"Wow! Same situation ya know! People say I am a bookworm! But the real thing is I am addicted to books!" I laughed.


"Oh my god we have so much in common!" She squealed and highfived me. I laughed

"You are crazy you know that!" I smirked. She nodded.

"I know!" She winked.
After lunch I had English class. Kelly wasn't in this class. I put my things in my locker and took out my binder and walked to my English class. I slid on the back seat.

Soon the students started to come. The seat beside me was still vacant. The bell rang and the teacher entered the class.

She introduced herself and after 10 minutes the class door opened and a guy panting entered.

"Well well well... Look who decided to show up!" The teacher said.

"Sorry Miss Trevor!" The guy said.

"Mr Black please take your seat beside Mrs Evans!" My eyes widened. I looked at the guy and I knew who he was. He was the guy from the office. Oh god.
As he slid beside me I tried to concentrate on the work that the teacher has given us to do.

"So! We meet again!" He whispered. I looked at him to find him smirking. I ignored him and started writing my essay which the teacher has assigned us to do.

"Today was a lucky day for you! In future luck might not work!" He smirked.

"Can you please shut up and let me do my work!'' I hissed.

"Oooo fiesty! I like it!" He winked. I glared at him and continued doing my work. And surprisingly he didn't annoy me further.
After school I walked to my house. It was just a 15 minutes walk. I replayed today's events in my mind. I did a good progress I guess.

As I reached my house, I used the spare key to open it.
Mum wasn't home yet as she was a school teacher and had to attend meetings held after the school timings.

I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. Man I am tired! I slowly drifted to sleep.

I heard the front door open. I looked at the clock to find that it was 4 pm. I slept for an hour.
I looked up to see mom enter.

"Hey!" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Hello sweetheart! How was the day?" She kissed my forehead.

"Good I guess!" I nodded.

"Made any friends?"

"Yes one! Kelly!"

"Good! I hope its different from your old High school!" She sighed.

"What do you mean?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"You know the teasing, bullying and rumors about you!" She looked at me.

"You knew!" I gasped.

"Dad and me both knew! We never brought it up because we knew our daughter was strong!" Tears welled up in her eyes as she mentioned Dad.
Her and Dad were so in love. The way they looked at each other showed how much they care for each other. I hope my future is also with a guy like dad.

"Thanks Mom!" I stood up and hugged her.

"So how was your day?" I asked her.

"Oh it was good! The kids there were not so naughty and I was able to handle them! And the colleagues there were also very friendly." She gushed. I laughed.

"That's cool!" She nodded.

"Why don't you go get clean up. I will make dinner?"

"Sure!" I replied and went upstairs to take a bath
After dinner I decided to read a book. As it was our first day we did not get much homework. But I am damn sure that from tomorrow I am gonna have shit load of homework.

I started reading my book. And soon drifted to sleep.

Another update!
I hope you like it! Its not thaaaatttt good but at least its not bad!
So vote and comment!

Another update!I hope you like it! Its not thaaaatttt good but at least its not bad! So vote and comment!Love,NNK

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