Chapter 20-- #2

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"Let's call 911." Aiden suggested.

"Yea can I?" Joe asked. He fished out his phone and dialled 911.

"Hello this is David, how may I help you?"

"Umm this is Rapunzel and I am looking for someone but I am not sure of his actual first name.." Joe mocked in a high pitch sound of a girl.

"okaaaay. do you know his last name?"

"umm what was his last name again..... uh terrance."

"Can you please spell the name out?''

"uh yea. its T for Tiger. E for Elephant." there was a pin drop silence on the other line. "Sir you there?"

"Yea carry on."

"Its T for Tiger. E for Elephant. then its a R, a R, a R, a R, a R..."

"How many R's are there?" We all stiffled a laugh.

"Six!" I pushed a pillow against my face.

"Can you please tell me your whereabouts?''

"yea sure. From the Crossent Road (idk if thats a real road.. pardon me), You first turn left and then a right. In the starting, a red house. House no. 37."

"House no. 37?''

"No mouse!"



"Thanks for calling 911." and then the line went blank. We all burst out laughing.

"That was awesome!" I highfived him.

"Lets call Christina!" Casper suggeted.

"What are we gonna say?" I asked.

"That I, her brother, found out about her and Casper." Joe grinned.

"Hey! You cant do all the prank calls!" Aiden protested.

"You do it then!"

"Okay." Aiden fished out his phone and dialled Christina's number."

"Hey Aiden. Sup?"

"Hiya Christina. Nothing. It's just about Joe and Casper!"

"What about them?"

"Well I dont know how to tell you.." He faked stutters.

"Just say. This is creeping me out!" She replied with a worried tone.

"Joe found out about you and Casper." There is a huge silence on the other line. I whispered in Aiden's ear what to say next. "And Joe beat up Casper and Casper is in the hospital, knocked out. Its been a day since that plus Joe is in jail for that." Both Joe and Casper start laughing silently.

"No no no no! Please tell me its a joke! Please!" Christina cried. Casper mouthed tell her you dick!

"No its fun!" Joe whispered.

"No way! She is crying!" Casper hissed. He snatched the phone out of Aiden's hand. "Christina its a prank. Joe's idea what to do! Blame him! Sorry!" He says it quickly.

"FUCK OFF YOU ALL!" And then the line went blank.

"This wasnt a good idea." I said. They all simultaneously nodded.

"She'll come around!" Joe said. "Lets call target and this time Diana will call." I shrugged.

I took out my phone and dialled the no.

"Hello. Target Bloomington St how may I help you?"

"Uh hi. This is Jennifer. I just wanted to tell you that I cant cone to work on this friday. Its kind of..."

"Jenniferrrrrrrrrrrrr.... Are you the new lady who just started working here?"

"Uh yea."

"Okay I'll tell Steven."

"Thank you so much. It will be really impossible for me to come. Its kind of embarrassing but last night my little brother shaved my head and i am bald."

"Also the eyebrows.." Kelly whispered.

"Also he shaved ny eyebrows. So it wont be possible for me to come on Friday."

"Yea okay I'll tell Steven."

"Thank you so much. Bye." I hung up. We all burst out laughing.

"That was great!" Joe highfived.

"Yea now lets stop the prank calls and sleep." Dave said. We all agreed.

I am sooooo sorrry. Really sorry. I was just being so lazy. I am sorry.
IG>> Nawaal_nasir99


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