Chapter 20:-

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Joe and Aiden brought the drinks, not the alcoholic may I add. When asked if the drinks would be alcoholic, by Kelly, this was the conversion.

"Will the drinks be alcoholic?" Kelly asked.

"Nope! None of us guys prefer alcohol. If we go to some parties or anything just a shot or two, not more then that. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.. not really fond of them." Casper explained.

"Yea! I also dont prefer anything like that. My Dad's friend used to smoke. I didn't like it, especially when he used to smoke in our house. My dad then banned him." I laughed. "His son and i then made it a mission to make him leave his habit of smoking. But it was difficult as Ryan, aka his son lived in LA and only came to make short visits."

"Who is Ryan?" Aiden asked as he came with glasses and Joe with apple juice.

"My dad's friend's son."


"So let's Start!" Joe yelled.

"Can you not yell!" Kelly glared at him. Joe just smirked and shrugged. He handed all of us a glass filled with juice.

"So I'll go first." Joe said. "Never have I ever felt guilty while eating fast food."
Everyone takes a sip of thier juice.

"Who wouldn't be. I have to workout for an hour if I overeat or have any fast foods, especially Pizza." I grimaced.

"I know right!" Kelly agreed.

"Okay my turn. Never have I ever peed my pants in public." Casper said. This time only Dave drank. We all burst out laughing.

"Not a word. My turn!" Dave playfully glared at us. "Never have I ever read two novels in a day. " Kelly and I drank.

"We won't even comment cause its so obvious. You guys are bookworms!" Dave commented. I was about to say something when Aiden took a sip as well.

"You have read two novels in a day?" Casper asked.

"Yea! They weren't time taking. Took me only 3 hours!" Aiden shrugged.

"My turn. Never have I ever went to a club with fake ID." Kelly said. No one took a sip.

"Oh look at us. Such good children!" Caspar laughed.

"Never have I ever skipped school. Like instead of going to school, go somewhere else." Aiden said. All the four boys took a sip.

"Dont worry Diana and Kelly. We will make you experience that!" Dave said

"Ooh! That'd be fun!" Kelly exclaimed. I agreed.

"Never have I ever got arrested!" I said. No one drank.

"Again such good children!" Aiden said. We all laughed, agreeing. I thought that maybe one of the guys might've been arrested but they haven't been. Its a shock.

"Never have I ever been in love." Joe said. Dave and Caspar drank.


"Never have I ever left a class in the middle." I drank, thinking of that day when Aiden made me leave the class. I looked at Aiden who is grinning at me.

"Awe! Diana being a bad girl.!" Joe teased.

"Hey it wasnt my fault. It was Aiden's. He knew the teacher was looking at me, still he started talking to me and we were thrown out!" I defended. Joe snickered.

"Soooo like Aiden."

"Never have I ever flirted with a girl double my age!" Dave said. Joe drank.

"I didnt know she was 32. She looked like a 17 year old girl to me!" Joe defended. We all laughed.

"Never have I ever ate 5 slices of Pizza." Kelly said. I drank. Everyone looked at me. I shrugged.

"My Dad challenged me. And I didn't mind. I mean it was Pizza. I can eat Pizza for the rest of my life!"

"Never have I ever cursed in front of a teacher." Aiden said. Everyone drank except me and Kelly.

"Such good girls!" Casper winked.

"Never have I ever watched all 7 movies of Harry potter, well 8, in a day!" I said. No one drank.

"We should do a Harry potter marathon sometime." Dave suggested.

"Yea. It'll be fun." I agreed.

"Its getting boring noww!" Aiden moaned.

"Lets do prank calls!" Joe suggested. We all agreed.

Hey guys.. this is an incomplete chapter. Sorry. I will write another small chapter which will be really short but will complete this chapter :
IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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