Chapter 25

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Joe finally made a whatsapp group. He told us that we should come prepared as we all will be going to his flat directly after school.
I then realized that I forgot to tell mom about the plan and ask her.

I went in to her small office.
"Hey Mom. Joe's sister Christina is coming today. So we...."

"Who is Joe?" Mum cut me off.

"Oh right. He is Aiden's friend. So they planned to go to amusement park. And well I am invited as well." Mum raised her brow.

"Who is in the group?"

"Aiden, Joe, Casper, Dave, Kelly, Christina and me."

"Okay yea sure go."


"Yea ofcourse. Why would I have a problem?! Plus I am happy you made friends." She smiled.


I wore a hoodie which said "Hogwarts is my home", with a black and white picture of the castle. It was one of my favourite. With that i wore jeans. I tied a pony tail with a bit of hairs falling down. I took my lipstick, eyeliner and my face wash with me to school so that to get ready at Joe's house.
I heard my phone ring, indicating that Auden was here. We had decided to drop by Starbucks to have iced coffee and then head over to school.

"Are you trying to impress someone?" Aiden asked as soon as I got in the car.

"Good Morning and Hi to you too." I replied sarcastically. "And no. Remember we have to go at Joe's house after school."

"So trying to impress Joe?"

"NO! And I am not dressed any differently! I always dress like this!"

"Fine fine. I was just teasing you!" I stuck my tongue out at him. "You are such a kid."

"Yeah after all I am your friend!" I grinned. He laughed.

After we got our coffees we headed for school.
After school we all, well Kelly, Dave and I piled up in Aiden's car. While Joe and Casper went in thier own. Christina has arrived this morning and decided to unpack instead of going to the Uni.
Yes she is a year older. And yes Casper is dating a girl older then him.
She got in the University of Colorado.

Soon we got to thier flat. We arrived first as Joe texted us that he will be stopping by Wal-Mart to buy few things.

A girl opened the door, and the first thing that came in my mind was Wow! She was so beautiful.

"Hey! Aren't you that girl, on who Dave had a crush on last year?" Christina referred to Kelly.

"Thank you Christina. She is my Girlfriend." Dave glared.

"Oh my god! Joe told me you had a girlfriend but didn't tell me her name!" She then looked at me. "And you are Aiden'd girlfriend?" I blushed.

"Umm no. I am just a friend. My name is..."

"Are you Diana? Oh Joe told me. And he kept referring to another girl as your friend, Kelly might be that girl. He wanted to keep this a secret, you knowt this Kelly and Dave thing." She laughed. "Sorry I talk a lot."

"Yea you do. Can you like invite us in. And then hug and say its so good to see you guys again." Aiden said.

"Oops." And then she shut the door on our faces.

"What?!" Dave rang the bell again. She opened the door and smiled at us.

"Hey guys." Then she hugged each of us. "Its so good to see you two kids again. And its so good to meet you both, Diana and Kelly. Come on in!" She let us in. Kelly and I laughed.

"We are not kids!" Aiden and Dave shouted simultaneously.

"You are younger then me."

"By just one year!"

"Whatever kids. Well, dont you guys want to get fresh and all before we leave. We'll eat there. And then dinner at McDonald's."

"Lets go first to the roller coaster!" Joe Said.

"I am in!" I nodded excitedly. We all agreed.
After the roller coaster ride and a lot more ones, we ate the famous chicken pepper bites and ice cream.
We headed over to the games sections and played games. We were in team. Joe and Me. Casper and Christina. Kelly and Dave.

"Well no one's with me!" Aiden moaned.

"That's why I chose Diana first! Ha!" Joe laughed.

"Well I dont need anyone! I can win alone."

"Not if you have me in the rival team!" Christina grinned.
Well she was right! She won. We came second and Aiden third. Kelly and Dave, sadly lost.

After playing games, we decided to leave and head towards McDonald's.

As we reached McDonald's, we gave our orders and took a seat and settled down. As soon as I sat, my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID to see it's Matt.

"Umm I'll be back." I quickly stood up and went outside. I picked up the call.

"Hey." I said.

"Diana! Hi!" Matt replied. "How are you?"

"I am good. Just out with friends. What about you?"

"I took Freddie out so decided to call. I just wanted to tell you something. I wont come this week. Reason being, my Dad's going out of town, and I just want to live here alone till he gets back and then we'll come there. I also have decided to apply for Uni, because you know I graduated last year, and I couldnt really afford Uni so took a year leave and worked instead. So before i go to Uni, which is obv next year, i just want to appologize to some people for making a big mistake." He took a breath. "You do understand right?"

"Ofcourse I do. Which Uni you'll be applying to?"

"I have good grades, so I was thinking of NYU, or Stanford. Or maybe I'll apply to the University of Denver."

"Yea. Well good luck! And come soon please!" Aiden comes out.

"Is everything okay?" Aiden asked.

"That's Aiden?"

"Yes." I replied, answering both of there questions.

"I'll call you later okay. Take care. Bye!"

"Bye! Take care!" I hung up.

"Who was it?"

"A friend of mine from Boulder. Lets go in, I am starving!" He shrugged but didn't say anything.

Not edited! I know its a shitty chapter... but well I'll make the next one more good :)

IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

Till I Met You! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن