Chapter 44

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"Ryan! Diana! You guys still remember me!" Matt greeted us. I rolled my eyes.

"Dude! Is Aiden home?" Ryan asked, making Matt narrowing his eyes at him.

"And i thought you guys wanted to see me." Matt sighed. "Aiden just left the house." Matt looked at me. "Why don't you guys come in?"

"Sure." I replied. "I'll come in a bit." Ryan shrugged and then went inside.

"Sort it out." Matt said.

"I don't even know what I did?!" I replied.

"Figure it out. He seemed pretty upset." I narrowed my eyes him, he just stared back making me sigh, as I nodded. He went inside shutting the door.

I decided to call Aiden. As the phone started ringing, i heard the similar tone of his phone from afar. He must be here somewhere. Before I could follow it, he cancelled my call. I called again, and then quickly followed the tone as it started ringing. I was at the backside of the house. There sat Aiden, his back at me, staring at the wall in front of him, with a cigarette in his hand. I thought he never smoked.

I stalked up to him and snatched the cigarette from his hand.

"What the hell!" He stood uo and faced me.

"I thought you never smoked."

"Why do you care?"

"You're killing you self. This is suicide. A slow suicide. Plus not only you're killing yourself, but also killing the people around you!"

"Whatever. Give it back." He snapped. The tone he talked in hurt me but i let it go as I dropped the cigarette and crushed it with my foot. He glared at me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, finally.

"Why are you here?"

"I asked first."

"If you're gonna be childish, i am just gonna go." He started to walk away.

"I am being childish? You are the one acting like a 3 year old kid." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Wasn't your boyfriend coming over? Or he decided to just stay wherever he is."

"He is not my boyfriend! And he is here. He wanted to meet you guys."

"Meet Matt I suppose."

"No you. He is upstairs."

"I don't want to meet your boyfriend."

"Oh my god you're unbelievable! Stop calling him my boyfriend! He is like a brother to me!"

"Brother? You like him."

"No i dont?"

"Then who do you like?" My mouth dropped open.

"Is it why you're upset that I didn't tell you who I like?"


"Then? The person you like rejected you?"

"No." He narrowed his eyes at me and when I glared back at him, he stood up straight and sighed. "I never asked her because I am afraid she's going to reject me." He glared at the ground. I feel sorry for the ground.

"Well maybe you should go and ask her out then. She won't reject you unless she's not single. And then maybe you'll stop acting like an A class a-hole." He grinned at me.

"That's a nice idea."

"You're mood swings are unbelievable." I commented.

"Thanks. So should i ask her?"

"Yes." It hurt me to tell him to go and ask some other girl out. My eyes stung but i pushed back my tears. "Good luck!" I wished him and started going back towards the main part of the house when a hand stopped me. He was too close. He looked me in the eyes and i had a sudden urge to back away, but i didn't. I noticed that he didn't let go of my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, in a whisper.

"Asking out the girl I really like, and maybe am falling for." He replied. I could feel my heartbeat in my mouth. "Will you go out with me?" I wanted to say yes, but it was like my mouth has been sealed. Did he really liked me?! "It's okay if you don't. I mean I wasn't-" I didn't let him finish, and hugged him. "Is that a Yes?" He laughed lightly and hugged me back.

"Well ofcourse!" I rolled my eyes.

"Friday evening?"

"Perfect!" I smiled at him. "Lets go in?"

"Or we can ditch them and go somewhere?"


"There is a place. Come on." He took my hand led me outside.

"Diana?" I turned around to find Ryan with a confused face and behind him was Matt, grinning at us.

"Ryan. This is Aiden." I breathed.

"Hey Ryan! I am Aiden." Aiden replied and looked at me. And then we ran, laughing as we got in the car.

3rd person (POV):

"What just happened?" Ryan asked.

"My dream came true." Replied Matt. "I wonder when are they gonna get married." He said dreamily but then stood up straight as he met Ryan's glare. "They were holding hands."

"I know I am not blind! I need to meet him." Ryan replied stubbornly.

"He is a nice guy." Matt nodded.

"You're saying this because you're his brother."

"No. I am saying this because i know how genuinely they both are in love with each other. Aiden whine whenever he sees Diana talking with some guy. He reeks of jealousy. Hell he was so upset when he knew of you coming because he thought Diana likes you. It's really entertaining. Like you'd wish you had popcorns as he kept whining, but its a pitiful moment as well. I'll just shut up."

"He's your brother. I know he would be good."

"Thanks buddy!"

"But i still need to meet him. To know who my sister is dating."

"Oh don't worry. You'll get to know who Diana is dating and who is she hanging out with nowadays. I'll just call a band meeting."

"Band meeting?"

"Sorry gang." Matt corrected.

"A gang? Your brother is in a gang?" Ryan had a horrified expression.

"No, they just like to call themselves a gang. They don't sell drugs. They don't even drink alcohol."

"Good. Then call this band or gang or group, whatever you guys say, meeting."

"Yea okay!"

Hey Guys! Hoped you like this chapter. My studies are getting so tough, I just want to go on a hiatus from wattpad but i have decided I am going to first complete this book as soon as I can! Sooooo yea! I won't leave you Guys hanging. But it could be that the chapters might get delayed. Like this did. But I hope you understand. I am in A levels' 2nd year. And the studies are much more tough then before.
Do vote and comment,it makes me really happy!

Do vote and comment,it makes me really happy!

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