Chapter 35

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Christina and Kelly glared at Aiden while he stared back at them.

"Can you leave?" Christina asked, rather rudely.

"Aiden! There you are!" I looked to see Dave running towards us. "I see you find them." He gave us an award winning smile but the smile was soon wiped out as he saw the glares of the two girls. "Umm and you guys are not happy to see us. Right we'll just leave!" He grabbed Aiden by his arm and they both fled away. I snickered. Kelly and Christina sat down.

"So what happened?" Kelly asked. I explain everything and soon the two of them have amused smiles stuck on their face.

"What?" I asked.

"That guy is head over heals for you!" Kelly remarked

"Excuse me?!"

"I know Aiden. He never behaves like that. He really likes you." I stared at Christina and then burst out laughing.

"You guys are so funny! Made my day." I laughed. They just shook their heads and shrugged and we start talking about other stuff.

Aiden's (P.O.V)

"So?" Dave said.

"So what?"

"Was it a coincidence you found her or you were trying to find her?" He asked with a smirk.

"Haha very funny! I was trying to find the gelato ice-cream."

"Sure. The Gelato is there." He pointed towards the way on my back. "And she was there." He pointed towards the way on his back.

"I couldn't find the stall."

"Right. Forgot you just shifted here." He replied sarcastically. "Just admit you like her.

"I don't! I just saw her with a guy and.."

"So there is a guy in the story as well." He snickered. "I didn't see any guy. You must have scared the poor guy away."

"I didn't like the way he was hitting on Diana! She is my friend."

"Never did anything like that with Christina." He snickered.

"Because.... look! I dont like her!"

"Okay you dont have a crush on her. Then you are falling for her." I glared at him. "Look! Its nothing wrong to like a girl or fall for one. Just admit it to her."

"Dave, it's not easy. Its not like your story, that the girl you liked coincidently liked you back! Diana doesn't sees me like that. In fact I think she likes my brother!"

"Look Mate, you gotta try. Also, I don't get it, why did you forgave Matt so easily? Not that I am complaining, I am happy. But just asking."

"I missed him. Like a lot!" I sighed. "And giving people a chance is not a bad thing."

"Exactly! If you can give other people chance, then give a chance to yourself and talk to Diana. Man up!" I scowled at him.

"No!" I glared at him. "Let's not talk about it!"


"Shut up! No more about this!" Dave sighed but shut up after that.

"So, did coach talked to you about the new soccer team captain?"

"No why?"

"Everyone is saying that you'll be the next team captain."

"I dont want this responsibility." I frowned.

"Dude! First of all, you are the best choice. Second of all, any guy would die to be the captain. Third of all, you are the best choice!"

"We'll see." I replied. "So, let's talk about you!"

"What about me?" He scrunched his brows.

"You and Kelly." I smirked. He blushed. "That's the first time I have seen you blush. You're whipped man!" I laughed. He groaned.

"Shut up!" He scowled. That just made me laugh more.

"Let's just leave." Dave got up.

"Oh yes! Now you'd like to leave." I snickered but got up. "Let's go and ask them if they need any lift."

"They or Diana?" Dave asked. "Dude I am not the only one whipped, you are too!" He snickered. I scowled at him. He just laughed but made his way towards their table. I followed him. We saw them talking in whispers, Kelly blushing while Christina and Diana grinning at her. I can bet they are teasing her about Dave. I grinned to myself.

"Hey guys!" Dave greeted as he reached them.

"Wht cant you guys leave us alone!" Christina glared.

"Woah woah! Calm down. We just came to ask if you guys want a lift?"

"No. Christina will drop the three of us."

"Even Diana?" The three of them looked at me weirdly. "I mean, her house is out of your way. Kelly's house will come in your way. I mean-"

"We got it." Christina smirked. "When I think of it like this, Diana would you mind if Aiden drops you?" I did a small whoop in my head.

"Sure." Sh shrugged, narrowing her eyes at a smirking Christina.

My phone beeped and I fished it out to see a message from Christina.

You like her, we know it! Just admit it to her bro!

I narrowed my eyes at the text and then scowled at Christina.

"Let's go?" I asked Diana. She nodded and picked her half eaten McFlurry and after a quick bye to everyone, followed me outside.

Don't be a silent reader :)
Another video is up on my Youtube Channel, link in the bio..
Don't forget to check it out :)

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