Chapter 12:-

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Diana's (P.O.V):

I pick my bag and run downstairs. I am already 10 minutes late. As I reach the front door I am met by Aiden.

"Where you going?" Aiden asks.

"I am going to sell potatoes! Wanna join?" I say sarcastically.

"No thanks! I can drop you if you are getting late!" He offers.

Should I accept or decline? I mean look on the bright side, I wont be that late for school.
But then again... I would have to go in the same car as his!!

"Sure!" I say. "Thanks a lot!"

"No problem!" He smirks. We get in his car. The ride is completely silent.

"Uh um Diana I want to appologize!" Aiden suddenly speaks.

"For how many things?"


"I mean there is a big list of things yiu need to appologize for!"

"Excuse Me! There is just one thing.. and that is for snapping at you that day!"

"Yea yea!"

"So am I forgiven?"

"Maybe or maybe not!"

"You are so stubborn Diana!"

"Did the teacher really just gave us only two days for a 40 marks assignments?!" Kelly groans.

"Yea she did!" We settle down on our regular table.

"Hello Ladies!" Aiden and Dave greet us as they come and sit with us.

"Dont you guys like have your own friends?" I blurted.

"Ah! Rude!" Aiden mocks. "Is it a crime to sit here?"

"Nope! Just curious!"

"Curiosity killed the cat!" Dave winked. I rolled my eyes. I notice all the eyes on our table. I hate being the centre of attention.

"Why are we the centre of attention?" Kelly asks.

"Because two hottest boys are sitting with you!" Dave winks at her.

"You guys are so full of yourself!" I shake my head.

"Anyways.. I was thinking why not just combine and do our assignments together?" Dave suggested.

"Actually thats a great idea! We can divide the work and do it!" Kelly agrees.

"You guys can come to my house. Diana is staying at my house so it wont be a problem for her!" Dave says.

"Wait a minute! You are staying at Aiden's? You didn't tell me anything?" Kelly glares at me.

"I wanted to tell you but I didnt get any time. And in break they came so I totally forgot!" I appologize.

"You can tell me right now!"

"Oh yea right! My mum had to go back to Boulder. There is some problem in Dad's business. And she needed company so Emma, Aiden's mom also went with her! So yea!" (A/N: Diana's friend still dont know that her father is no more alive!)

"So basically you are home alone with Aiden?" Kelly smirks. I narrow my eyes at her.

"Yea they are! Look you guys can have fun and all that but Aiden I dont want to be an uncle at this age!" Dave laughs.

"Excuse me!" They all burst out laughing. "I hate you guys!"

Soon the bell rang and I got up, leaving Dave, Aiden anddd Kelly behind as its thier free period. As I walked out, I hear people whispering things like she is a slut or such a whore!

I walked over to my locker and am met by three girls, also known as the school princesses as Kelly told me.

"Hey!" I greet them politely.

"Nice meeting you Diana! We have a message for you!" The first one says.


"Stay away from Aiden and Dave! They need beautiful girls like us not ugly people like you and that kelly eho is so smelly!" The second one says and they all laugh.


I walked over to my locker and am met by the popular group. Three girls and two boys.

"Look look who it is?!"

"You are so ugly!"

"You are fake!"

"Look at her face! Its so eww!"

"She is so fat! No one would ever marry her! Cause no one wants a girl like her!"

Tears filled my eyes. I shut my locker and run out. I can hear laughs at my back. I run past the table I previously sat on.

"Diana!" I hear Aiden, Kelly and Dave shout my name. But I dont stop. I run and run! Not knowing where I am going, I exit the school.

Yeahh!! I updated! I hope you liked it! If you do.. press that star button in the end.
AND also comment cause I like reading your comments :)
Sorry for late updating! I had exams...
Love you guys

IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

Till I Met You! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें