Chapter 21:-

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Diana's (P.O.V):

I closed the book I was reading.

"Why would you ever do this to me?" I asked Aiden, with tears in my eyes.

"What?!" Aiden looked at me like I've gone mad.

"Why would you make me read John Green?! I simply dont like it. All O do is cry. This guy is crazy! Why does he loves sad ending that much?!"

"Maybe because everyone cant have a happy ending."

"Yes true! But sad endings in a book ir movie destroys the whole day!"

"I never pressurized you!" Aiden smirked.

"Pressurized?! You took away my laptop and cellphone and told me I won't get it back until I am done reading this book Paper town!" I glared at him. He winked.

"Well you are still not getting it back." I stood up.

"Aiden! Give me my laptop and cellphone!" He stood up and ran in his room. I ran after him, but was late. He closed the door on my face.


"NEVER!" I growled and laid down on the couch. Caspar, Joe, Kelly and Dave left early in the morning. Mine and Aiden's mom will be arriving today in the late afternoon.

"Damn! You've got to help me!" Aiden came running.

"Why would I help you!"

"We've been eating takeouts since mom left. There is no grocery. Mom's gonna kill me! Please! Take your stuff!"

"Fine! We are going grocery shopping!"

"YES!" He shouted. "This is the list. 12 main things. So this is the plan. We'll divide this list in half, and the last one to reach the counter will pay for McDonald's! "

"Done! Take your wallet with you. You'll have to pay for the two of us!" I smirked.

"You dont know that! It could be you sweetheart!" He winked.

"We'll see.."
We reach Wal-Mart in loke 4 minutes. Well it was pretty near.
My list consisted...
1) Nutella (well I made him add this on my list)
2) Eggs
3) Milk
4)Cereals (Cocoa pops and Cheerios)
5) Frozen Pizza
6) some tea

I took a basket from the entrance and stood beside him.

"As soon you're done, reach the counter no. 3." Aiden instructed. I nodded in reply. "Okay. Ready, set, GO!" He screamed, making us the centre of attention. Cool. I run towards the cereal corner.
In 10 minutes my basket had everything. I run towards the coubter no. 2 to find Aiden already there. I looked at him with my mouth open.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirked. "I've been waiting for 4 minutes."


"Well I'm pretty quick.. and also really hungry!"

"Whatever!" I handed him the basket with the things. He soon paid for all the stuff and then we walked out. As we got in the car, he asked, "So how do you feel Diana?"

"Oh really good. I will be paying for my so called friend's McDonald's meal."

"Ouch! That hurts. I am a so called friend!" He fake cried. "Well anyways, I'll be getting a free McDonald's." I poked my tongue at him.

"You are paying for the ice cream." I said.

"Okay! Fair enough."
As we came home I saw a car outside his house.

"Shit! I think they are home!" Aiden stated the obvious. As we went inside with all the grocery, we saw our Moms.

"Hey Mom! How was the trip!" I hugged her.

"Good." She smiled.

"Aiden.. the fridge and the cabinets are the same I left. Please dont tell me you guys ate takeaways the whole week."

"No no! Actually what happened was, I bought grocery the day you left. But 2 days ago Joe and Casper came back. And we all, Joe, Casper, Dave, Kelly, Diana and I had a sleepover for two days, and well we ran out of everything again." Aiden lied through his teeth. He then looked at me, I glared at him. He sighed, and looked at him mum, who started to believe him, but got suspicious by my glare.

"Alright alright! I didnt do any grocery shopping and ate takeaways. But joe and Casper really are back, and we really had a sleepover." I nodded.

"Thanks Diana, for making him say the truth." His mom glared at him, which made me want to giggle but i controlled.

"Sorry mum! I love you!" He hugged her.

"Its okay!" She hugged her back.

College has started and seriously its becoming hard to write a chapter... but i am gonna try :)
Also.. in like 15 minutes, it'll be midnight, which means, the date will change from 11 september to 12 September... the day I was born.
Yas... Its my birthday :))
Anyways.. vote and comment.
I love you guys..
Also thank you for 2.18 K reads <3

IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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