Chapter 17:

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Yes yes yes! I am backkk!! Here is the next chapter. Anyways, I made some changes in chapter 14, when Aiden is telling his story. So here is what I changed.
Chapter 14

"Haha okay fine fine!" He laughed. "Just like you my, best friends were my parents. My dad was my role model. I always use to look up to him. But then one day, he came home drunk. Mum wasn't home at that time. He was so drunk that he spilled his secret and said that he cheated on mum. I got angry and decided to tell my mum. At that time, I had an elder brother, who was like just 10 months older then me, and a younger brother who was just 5 years old. I told mum and she said she already knew. I was shocked but I was happy that she stayed strong. Anyways, my Dad one day came home with divorce papers, and made mum signed. Mum was crying but he didnt care. My elder brother Matt and I were given a choice as to who we want to live with, of course I chose mum as I was very close to her, as for Matt, he chose Dad. We both had a fight. We use to be so close but a divorce threw us apart. As for my younger brother Freddie, he didnt had any choice. He wanted to live with mum, but Dad dragged him away when he moved. I still remember those horrid moments, Freddie's cries and Mum's secret sobs." He had tears in his eyes. "I miss my both brothers so much. Its been like four years and they haven't even contacted us." It was now my turn to hug him.

So this was the new change in chapter 12.
Proceed to Chapter 15 now :)

Diana's (P.O.V):

We soon reached Dave's house. Aiden rang the doorbell and a woman in her mid thirties, probably Dave's mother, opened the door.

"Hello Aiden. Come in." She smiled. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "And who are you?"

"Hello Mrs Wesley. I am Diana." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Welcome Diana! I hope Lizzy doesn't annoys you that much." She laughed. I felt comfortable. I grinned.

"Hey Mom! I am a big girl now! Why would I annoy them." Lizzy pouted. I recognised her from that day at park. She looked at me with her big chocolate brown eyes. "Hey I have seen you somewhere. Oh! That day at park right?" She asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

Soon Mr and Mrs Wesley left. Lizzy was playing with her kitchen set,and making stuff. While I just sat there watching her. Aiden sat with her and played along. He was so good with kids.

"Hey Diana! Why don't you play with us as well?" Lizzy asked.

"Yea Di. You can be our assistant." He smirked. I scowled at him.

"No. Aiden you can be our assistant. Diana will run the cafe with me." Lizzy said. I smirked. Lizzy had her own imaginary cafe and served food to imaginary customers.

"Wow! You change parties like you change clothes." Aiden scowled.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I smirked.

"Why would I be!" He huffed and stood up.

"Aiden bring me biscuits." Lizzy said, or more like ordered.

"And I would like to have a cup of hot coffee." I grinned. He just glared and went in the kitchen.

"I don't want to play this. I want to watch a movie. A Barbie movie." She said.

"Okay. Do you know where the movies are kept?" She nodded and went to where the big t.v. screen was. Under it was a big drawer which she opened and took out a box of movies. She picked out a movie named Barbie Thumbelina.

"Oh I have watched this movie so many times." I commented.

"It's awesome isn't!" She gushed. I laughed and nodded. "Aiden also bring popcorns!" I laughed.

"Anything else you want princess?" I heard Aiden ask.

"Nope. Just popcorns for me and Diana!" I smiled at her. Soon the movie begun. Aiden came and handed Lizzy her biscuits and popcorns, and me a cup of coffee. He sat beside me and smiled at me.

"You know you are doing a good job." He said.

"Thank you Aiden." I smiled at him.

After watching two movies and annoying the hell out of Aiden, Lizzy asked for food. Aiden had fallen asleep between the second movie.

"We should wake him up." Lizzy said.

"Yes but before we wake him up, do you have a marker, a black one?" I asked her, as a wicked idea entered my mind.

"Are we gonna draw on him? Can I bring a purple one for me?" She asked excitedly. I nodded. She soon came with two markers and handed me the black one.

I wrote on his forehead, Lizzy and Diana are the best! On his right cheek, Lizzy drew a house. I laughed at that.

"Are these permanent?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No. They can be removed with the nail polish remover or a perfume. I know this because once I did it on Dave's face and mum removed it with a perfume as she didn't had the remover.

"Awesome!" I said. "Now to wake him up, we need a..."

"A cold glass of water!" She whispered.

"You're evil! Small but evil!" I laughed. She just grinned. I never knew a 7 year old can be so much fun to be around.

Lizzy came with a glass of cold water, and I stood up, ready to sprint.

"Ready? On the count of three." I said and unlocked my phone to record everything. "One, two and three!" Lizzy threw the water on Aiden and he woke up screaming, a totally girly scream may I add. We both backed away as Aiden stood up and glared at both of us. We were about to run when the house door suddenly opened and Dave and Kelly stepped in.

"Dude!" Dave and Kelly started to laugh loudly. "We'll talk later about what actually happened to you, but just wanted to tell you that Casper and Joe are back in town!"

Whoop whoop! Who are Casper and Joe ;) no.. they don't play the role of youtubers in this book.. haha..
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IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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