Chapter 42

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Ignore all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

I gasped as my eyes opened but immediately regretted as the light hurt my eyes and closed them just as soon. Something tickled down my neck and I realised it was water and I knew then that water was woke me up.

"The hell." I muttered.

"No its the morning! And wake up unless you don't want breakfast." I heard a voice said, making me groan. It's not that I am not a morning person, maybe I am and maybe not, it depends on what time I sleep at night. And i know that today we slept at 5 in the morning.
I put all my strength together and sit up straight. I rubbed my eyes open and adjusted it to the light. I look towards the left to see that it was Christina who woke me up. I groaned.

"What? You were expecting Aiden to come up and wake you up?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why would you even say that?" I scowled at her.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because everyone fantasize about their crush?" Kelly winked.

"I do not!" I glared at her. "I should've never told you about it."

"Lmao. As if you had a choice." Kelly grinned and high-fived Christina.

"Are you guys done teasing me?" I folded my arms and gave them a pointed look. Before they could reply, someone banged out door.

"Our you guys awake yet?" We heard Casper from the other side.

"Yes." Christina replied.

"We have a plan. Let's make teams of two and all the teams have to make a breakfast dish. The team whose dish is near to delicious wins." Christian opened the door.

"Who will decide?" I asked.

"You know what? Why dont you guys make breakfast, same dish like all of you mai French toasts and then we'll taste them and judge."

"That's a great idea Kelly! Let's Do It!" Joe yelled and the four guys ran downstairs.

"That saved us from doing anything." I snickered and high-fived them.

We all got dressed, turn by turn and then went downstairs to see what the boys were doing.

"Hey!" Aiden greeted.

"What are you guys making?" I asked.

"Pancakes. I am almost done with mine." Aiden replied.

"Same." Dave said.

In ten minutes, the table was set and pancakes were placed in four different plates, with us girls sitting on the chair, not knowing the cook of the pancakes.

We tasted one by one. I looked at Christina and whispered, "the blue plate ones are quite delicious."

"I agree." She replied.

"Me too." Kelly said.

"I guess then the blue plate is first?" The two of them nodded.

"Green plate the last. I think whoever made them, put salt by mistake." She scrunched her nose making Kelly and I laugh and nodding in agreement.

"So, what are the results judges?" Casper asked.

"Blue plate, 10 on 10." I replied.

"Glass plate, 7 on-"

"I think 8 would be good."

"Yes. 8 on 10."

"White plate gets 5 on 10. Nice try."

"Green plate, 0 on 10. Actually, i am gonna he nice and give you 0.0000025 out of 10." I said.

"I made the pancakes in blue plate." We heard four voices in unison. Kelly raised a brow at them.

"That's a lie! I made the blue ones." Aiden defended. "Casper made the ones in glass plate. Dave made the one in white plate and Joe made the one's in green plate."

"So joe doesn't know the difference between salt and sugar." Christina said, making guys snicker.

"I didn't know you could cook that well." I pointed at.

"You never gave me a chance." Aiden replied. We both stared at each other before Christina intruded.

"Alright lovers, you guys can flirt later. Right now, lets go get some breakfast from McDonald's."

I know its short and late as well and i have so many reasons but no time rn to write down those reasons.
Have a good day,

 SHOW THIS CHAPTER SOME LOVE ❤Have a good day,Nawaal

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