Chapter 45

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Matt's (P.O.V):

"Where are they again?" Dave asked.

"I don't know. They just ran." I replied.

"Well they'll arrive sometime right?" Ryan asked.

"Duh!" The room once again felt silent.

The house door opened and we all stood up.

"Woah! What's going on?" It was Mom.

"We're waiting for Aiden and Diana. They ran away."

"Ran away? What why?" She panicked making me widen my eyes.

"No no not in that way. They just ran so that they dont have to spend the day with us."

"Are they-"

"We dont know." She just nodded and smiled at everybody and then walked into her room.


Diana's (P.O.V):

"Is this where you secretly kill me and burry me?" I asked Aiden as we walked through the woods.

"Haha funny but no." He rolled his eyes. It took us an hour or so to reach the woods. It was Aiden's idea as he was so persistent on showing me something. I sighed and kept following him.

"Are you sure we aren't lost?"

"Yes Diana. I know the way by heart. Don't worry." He then suddenly stopped.

"We are lost aren't we?!" I panicked.

"No. Listen to me. I found this place after Dad left and I wanted to be alone. My mom used to bring me here and I would wander around and that's how I found it. Later on when I grew up and knew how to drive, I started coming by myself. It's, you can say, my secret yet my favourite place. And you're the first person I've brought here other then my mom. Well, she brought me here but she knows this place but doesn't know that I still come here."

"I feel honoured." I smiled.

"You should." He replied and then started walking again. We walked for more 5 minured until we reached a small pond. It was a grassland with a few oval stones here and there, the pond in between the small grassland. It was simple yet so peaceful. It gave me all kinds of feels. It emotionally relaxed me.

"Wow!" The words came out of my mouth.

"It's not that endearing but its peaceful."

"That's what makes it so attractive or endearing as you say." I grinned at him as He smiled at me.

"Diana, I know I waited for too long to admit my feelings for you. And the reason is actually so stupid. I was scared. Scared by the rejection that I could get. Scared of us not being friends any more. I didn't want to end the friendship that we had and I decided then that I have to keep my feelings aside and go with just being friends with you. Everyone in our circle knew about how much I liked you, you were oblivious when I tried to tell you through my actions. I don't blame you, all I am saying is that I am sorry to not man up and ask you out. I chickened out. Hell when I was admitted to you a while ago, i didn't even know the feeling is mutual. I did what you suggested, asking out the girl I really liked. Trust me when I say I trust you so much more then my life. My Mom's gonna go ecstatic. Matt was already grinning like a Cheshire cat. And-" I silenced him with a kiss.

"You talk too much." I silently said as I pulled away. I don't know from where I got this confidence. I looked at him to see him standing still. Shock written in bold letters on his face. I shouldn't have done it. Now he thinks I am a freak.

"I- I am sorry I-" I started, stammering on the way.

"Why are you sorry?" He squinted his eyes. He looked so cute. "Do you regret it?" His eyes darkened.

"No." I replied without even thinking. "Do you?"

"He'll no!" And then it like the time stopped as his lips met mine. This time more passionate.


"I am hungry." Aiden commented. We were lying on the grass side by side, discussing books, teen wolf, movies, family, etc. It was delightful knowing that we shared the same interests.

"We should go buy Pizza." I suggested, more like stated the obvious knowing he'd jump at the thought of Pizza.

"Great!" He immediately stood up, grabbing my hand, making me stand up in the process.

"Geez, calm down." I murmured.

"Sorry babe I cant. It's pizza! What do you expect?" He grinned. I froze, not because at the thought he might dump me because of Pizza but at the realisation he called me babe. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yea. Let's go?" H nodded and led the way back to our car.


"If we go at mine, I am damn sure your Ryan would kill me. And I have a feeling that all our friends are already there." Aiden said, as we made our way out of Dominos Pizza.

"Then let's go at mine." I replied.

As we drove towards my house, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID to find that it was Ryan who was calling me. I picked up the call.

"Hey Ryan. Don't worry I am fine. Will get back to you soon." I said and hung up before he could say anything. "He's going to be so pissed." I said to Aiden.

"Same with Matt. And if I am right about all our friends being at mine, then them as well."

We reached my house and I got out after Aiden parked his car beside my Mom's. I rang the doorbell. My mom opened the door.

"Diana! Aiden! Ryan called saying that you both ditched him and Matt."

"Yea I wanted to show Diana something." Aiden replied. My mom's eyes flickered down at my hands, and her eyebrows squinted. That's when I realised we were actually holding hands. I widened my eyes and immediately dropped his hand, but his grip was firm and he kept holding my hand.

"Do you guys you know what to tell me something or anything? I swear I can keep a secret."

"Uhmm.." before I could reply Aiden said confidently yet politely, "I asked Diana out. I really like her and I hope you won't mind." My mom's eyes lit up.

"Really? Why would I mind? You're a good kid. I totally shop it!"

"Where did you learn the word ' 'ship' ?" I asked.

"Heard it from you guys. I searched a bit and then I got it."

"Brilliant!" Aiden commented with his both hands in a thumbs up position.

"Hey mom? Quick question. Can we come in?"



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