Chapter 40

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Sorry for the late update 🙈 I wanted to update last Saturday and I even had the chapter planned but couldn't find some time to write!
I'll be IA uploading every Saturday!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) ignore aby gramatical errors or spelling mistakes as this chapter was written in a hurry.

The week passed by gradually and it was Friday, the last day of school for two weeks. I waited for the day to end, i was already exhausted with this week. I couldn't wait to go home and just sleep. Not a nap, sleep. We had a sleepover planned for tonight as none of us planned to go to the winter dance, and if i wont sleep for atleast two hours I'll be sleeping throughout the sleepover.

I sighed as I walked towards my locker. I felt someone run up to me and swiftly with one hand unclipped the bun, letting my hair flow down.

"AIDEN!" I yelled knowing it would be him.

"You look good with your hair down." He winked. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my blush. Key word, tried. Soon enough Joe was beside me pinching my cheek and telling me how cute I look when I blush.

"Leave her alone guys!" Kelly ordered as she came and stood beside me. I grinner at her as I tied my hair back in a pint tail.

"Awe why!" Aiden pouted.

"Because its really hot and I am already exhausted and its school, not a fashion show!" I replied.

"But you can dress up if you want to impress someone, right Aiden?" Joe grinned at him.

"But i dont want to impress antime!"

"No one?" Aiden asked.

"No." I replied slowly, looking at him in curiosity.

"Okay, who you gonna go home With?" Aiden asked.

"I'll walk."

"I have my car. I can drop you."

"No thanks. I'll walk." He nodded and we path our ways.

"OH MY GOD DIANA I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I'VE WAITED FOR THIS MOMENT FOR SO LONG!" Christina said, basically yelled as she hugged me.

"Christina! Can't breath!" I replied.

"Sorry." She looked at me sheepishly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too!" I grinned at her and she squeezed me in a hug again.

Soon the rest of the gang came in. As we settled in the lounge, we threw in our suggestions of spending the night.

"Let's play the game truth but with a twist. We all will have lemon shots, either we tell it or have it." Aiden suggested.

"That's a pretty good idea but instead of lemon lets do vinegar. We don't have lemon." How said.

"And no shot glasses so normal glasses." Christina added. We all agreed and soon we each had a glass half full with vinegar. We sat in a circle with a bottle in between to spin.

"I'll go first." Aiden said.

I spinned the bottle and it stopped Dave.

"Alright mate, one pet peeve about Kelly." Aiden grinned. Dave's eyes widened before he looked over at us.

"Umm," he scratched the back of his head nervously. "She always forgets where her cell phone charger is. Whenever we go out we come back with a new charger."

"That's not true!" Kelly protested.

"It is. Tonight was the fifth time in 3 months." Kelly blushed.

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