Chapter 32

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We soon reached the beach house, and saw that they were all sat around in a semi circle on the logs.

"Well well, look who decided to turn up!" Dave said sarcastically as he saw us. His smirk vanished as he saw Matt. "Matt." Ge nodded at him.

"Hey!" Matt replied awkwardly. A silence fell as everyone just looked at each other.

"So you guys ready to leave?" I broke the silence.

"Yes please! What were you two thinking leaving me with the two crazy couples! I went inside to escape them, and packed my stuff, just to come out and see they were surviving on pick-up lines. I packed and re-packed five freaking times! I have never heard so many pick-up lines as I have last night! Oh what's the use of staring at stars when I have one right in front of me!" He mimicked. "WELL I AM STILL FREAKING SINGLE AND HAVE NO GIRL TO TALK TO! SO MAYBE YOU GUYS COULD'VE GIVEN ME A BIT OF ATTENTION AS WELL!" Joe said,completely pissed of being the third wheel, well in his case the fifth wheel. "That's only what I wanted to say, we should take our stuff and leave now!" He went inside. As soon as he went inside, we all burst out laughing.

"I really, like really want to pity him but damn that was funny!" Dave laughed.

"Glad I could give some entertainment!" Joe glared at him as he came out with his bag.

"Oh come on! Chill out!" I chuckled. He glared at me.

"Anyways what's he doing here?" Capser asked.

"Uh I..." Matt started but got cut off by Aiden.

"Long story short, he is back!"

"Well what's the long story?" Christina asked.

"Will explain in the car, for now let's go!"


"Class I have a surprise for you!" Our English teacher imformed.

"Her surprises are always the worst!"

"You need to make a presentation, a power point presentation on a movie, that you'll watch over the weekend. But keep in mind, that the movie is not R rated. Moreover it should contain a good social message! The project is for 20 marks. 5 for the movie. 5 marks for summary that should be in the presentation. 5 marks for social message. And 5 marks for presenting skills!"

"Presenting skills? Do we have to present it as well?" A guy in the front row asked.

"Yes. On monday you all have to come with your power point presentation and present it. And tell some similiar movies as well. This should be done in groups of 2 people."

"Can we two..."

"I and Aiden can do it!" Bianca smirked.

"First of all, its Aiden and I! Correct your grammer!" That was enough to wipe that stypid smirk from her face. "Second of all, I am working with Diana!" Aiden grinned. I smiled to myslef. Why did this made me happy?! I saw Bianca glare at me and I just shrugged.

Its not my fault that Aiden doesn't likes her.

"Yes it's not!" Aiden smirked. "And yes you said that out loud." I rolled my eyes.

After school I got home and followed the same routine of going to sleep before mum came home and then going to my room to do my own work.

As I was done with my homework, I walked towards ny bookshelf to find out I have read every single book. I sighed to myslef and picked up my cellphone and called Aiden. He picked up on the second ring.

"Yo it's Aiden!"

"Yes I know!"

"So sup? How did you manage to take out time from your busy schedule to call me?"

"Are you drunk?"

"No." He replied bluntly.

"Wanna come to the bookshop with me?"

"Sure why not!" He agreed.

I went downstairs to inform my mother and she was more then happy.

"I am proud of you Diana! And I know Dad is as well." I smiled at her and nodded as the door bell rang. I went outside and slid in the passenger seat.

"So what books do you have in mind?" Aiden asked.

"I want to get the maze runner series, Heratless, The read queen, Flawed and one more I am going to choose from the early arrivals."

"Thats good. All sorted."

"Well afcourse."

We soon reached the bookshop and I straight went to the fiction section. I picked out my wanted books and then went to the 'new arrivals' section. I read the summary of few books and then selected the book 'Holding up the universe'.

"Are you done yet?" Aiden asked, coming from behind.

"Yes I....woah!" I widened my eyes at the amount of books he had in his hand.

"What? I read as well!"

"Didn't know the bad boy could read!" I smirked.

"Well I can!" He scowled. "Anyways, have you read this book Me before You?"

"Yes but not the sequel."


"Because, in the end.."

"No no no! Dont tell me the ending. I want to find it out by myself."

"Fine!" I laughed.

I am so sorry guys I couldn't update last Saturday because I had an even going on and I came back at 8 pm and was really tired.
I didnt get any time in the following week as well and today i am late as well, as per my usual time. So i am really sorry!

IG>> nawaal_nasir99

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