Chapter 26:

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I helped Mom as she got ready for her sleepover. I swear these two moms are thinking they are teenagers, but then agian, after Dad's death, she needed something like this.

"Oh Diana I forgot to tell you, that friend of yours from Boulder, what's his name, oh yea, Matt. He asked me if I'd allow you to go and stay at his house. I said yes. So you can leave tmrw amd be back till Sunday night." She said it casually. My mouth dropped open.

"You are actually telling me to go and stay at a guy's house for two days."

"I trust him and I also trust you with all my heart." I smiled.

"Mom thank you. I'll leave early in the morning."

"Okay. Now I should leave." I nodded at her and took her black shoes out from her wardrobe.


"Don't you have any cousins?" Aiden asked as he munched on chocolate cookies. My mom jad already left for his house, for the sleepover. Aiden arrived as soon as my mom left. He brought junk foods and movies, to spend the night. While I planned to read books but I dont think that could happen, seeing alll he was doing was talking and talking.

"Not many. My Dad sort of didn't like his family much so I never met his family. My mum however has only one sister, and my aunt just completed college. Yes she is that young! She lives in Dallas Texas." I told him. "What about you?"

"I stopped meeting Dad's family after divorce. However Mum doesn't have any siblings. So pretty much cousin-less." He grinned. "I have an idea! Why dont we call the no. Behind the packets of these junk foods, and have fun while we eat!"

"Its not a bad idea! I am always ready for pranks." I laughed.

"Good." He fished out his cellphone, and typed in the number behind the pack of Cheetos.

"Hello this is James, How may i help you?" The caller said.

"Umm Hi. I was just eating your cheetos with my Girlfriend, and as she hates cheetos, she shouted at me for eating them and broke up with me!" Aiden said in a fake crying voice. I laughed quietly.

"Umm I don't know what to say Sir. I am sorry?"

"Is that what you guys have to say? Its all your fault for making these cheetos!"

"Umm.." And then he hung up. Aiden highfived me.

"Good one. Now my turn." I said, and dialled the number behind the pack of granola bars.

"Thank you for calling General Mills, How may I help you today?"

"Hi I am currently eating your Nature Valley crunch Granola Bars. They are really messy, like I can never eat them without getting crumbs everywhere."

"You know, I did notice that too, I had crumbs all over my tabletop. You know if you are going to eat in the car or something, it would be a mess, you would have it all over yourself."

"Oh yea I always eat it in the car, and my car is filled with granola." The woman on the other line laughed.

"Okay. Now could I take your name and address information to put with the report today?"

"Yea sure. Its Hermione Granger." Aiden raised his brows.

"Okayyyy...." As the woman hung up, we burst out laughing.

"Oh How I love pranking!" I grinned.

"You are one bad girl!"

"Yes yes! You wont find another piece of me!"

"Do you remember that day when you crashed in me?"

"Yes and you were so rude!"

"Sorry about that! I was pissed of, I got a detention on the first day."

"We have excuse for everything, now dont we!"

"So, what shall we do now?"

"I dont know.. Want to watch a movie?"


I didn't know how to tell Aiden that I'll be leaving early in the morning just to go and stay at his brother's house. I wasn't accountable to him and my Mum knew, this was all that mattered, but still..
I finally decided to leave in the morning, leaving a note for him, and buying breakfast from Starbucks on my way. This was the only plan that came in my head. I sighed and concentrated on highschool musical 2.

Another Saturday another Chapter....

IG >>> nawaal_nasir99

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