Chapter 28

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Those of you who thought it's Aiden, I am sorry to disappoint you 😂 Actually I am not 👅

For a second I thought this was a set up. That Matt called me on purpose so that to cause me trouble. But then again why would Matt do that. My heartbeat increased.

"Dont worry Diana we all are leaving. Came last night. Matt told us to leave and not to show our faces till Monday." Jake laughed a bit, his eyes soft, and not the ones filled with mischief.

Soon the whole group was on the door except for Matt. They could kill me and Matt wouldn't know.

"But we need to do one thing before we leave!" Gabrielle said. Yes that scared me but I decided to be a strong girl and stand up for myself.

"What?! Bully me? Tease me? Torture me?" I snickered. "Why do you even do it? Oh wait I know the answer. There are three possibilities to be exact." I put my cellphone in my pocket. "According to leading psychiatrists, you guys bully for one of three reasons. One, underneath all of that man bravado, there is an insecure little girl banging on the closet door trying to get out. Second, your parents never taught you how to behave with girls. And that the girls are a precious gem and you should respect them. Third, and possibly you guys' case, like a caveman, you guys' brains are under-developed. It can also be said that, before you guys were born, the process of your mentality was left in between and you guys came in the world with an incomplete mentality, just like your incomplete Math registers! Therefore you guys are unable to use self-control. And so you guys act out aggressively." I smiled sweetly at them. To say they were shocked would be an understatement.

"Umm we were actually appologizing you know." Matt said.

"Who are you living with in Denver?! The Boulder girl has got some style! Dammit! You go girl!" Kyle whooped. "In all seriousness, we are really sorry Diana. We really shouldn't have done it." So Matt wasn't lying when he said that they are sorry. I thought he just said that to reassure me.

"We all realized when we found our that Jake's sister was being bullied, and because of that she tried to commit suicide." Jake's sister was 15 years old and was an actual sweetheart. Sometimes I used to wonder how they are siblings. My eyes widened.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She is good. Thanks for asking Diana." Jake smiled. "We really are sorry. Hope you can forgive us!"

"Well I do forgive you guys, but just dont do it in future. To anyone! And if you see someone getting bullied help them!"

"Yea!" They all replied.

"I am so proud of you Diana!" A voice said. I looked up to see Matt grinning, shirtless with a towel draped on him.

"Matt! Put some clothes on!"

"Aye aye Mom. Guys let her come in. And then get lost, all of you!"

"Yea yea fine we are leaving!" Jack replied.

After saying thier goodbyes, they left. Matt came downstairs and enveloped me in a hug.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hey! Where is Freddie?"

"Do you miss me more or him?! Anyways, he is sleeping." He grinned. "He still doesn't know if you're coming or not. I told him you might and he was excited."

"Yea.. I really wanted to see him. Missed him alot!" My phone dinged, indicating I had a text. I unlocked the phone.

I was in the washroom. Do tell that asshole brother of mine that I hate him!! - A

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