Chapter 43

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I brushed my hair one last time and then picking up my cellphone I went downstairs to help mom.

Let me tell you what's actually happening. This morning when i was at McDonald's with my friends, my mom called and told me to come home immediately and without any sort of explanation, she hung up making me freak out. The worst thing i could ever imagine was, going on home and finding out I am a shadowhunter and that my mom has been kidnapped by some stupid demons. Well finding out being a shadowhunter is all cool and stuff but my mom getting kidnapped by-
Why was i even thinking about this?
Anyways, following my mom's footsteps, I rushed out from there without giving my friends any sort of explanation. Once I reached home, my mom told me that Dad's bestfriend is coming over to stay for a few days and it maybe possible that his son Ryan is coming with him and that she wants me to make the special lemonade that Dad taught me years back.
Don't worry I texted my friends an explanation.

The door bell rang and I rushed towards the door. I opened it to find Aiden instead.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"You look like you were expecting someone else."

"Yes. I was."

"Are you going on a date?" He blurted.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"You're all dressed up and stuff."

"My Dad's bestfriend is coming over."

"Oh. With his family?"

"His wife died giving birth to Ryan so it's just him and Ryan. He never married again and practically raised Ryan on his own, with a bit of help from my parents."

"So is he the guy you like?" He asked, making my mouth drop open. "Don't bother answering that. I already know what're you gonna say."

"You do?" He just shrugged.

"So is Ryan coming over as well?"

"Yes. Maybe I don't know. He never tells us. Always gives a surprise. Why don't you come in?"

"No I'll go. Mom wanted me to get some stuff anyways. Bye." Without waiting for a reply he walked away, leaving me there all confused, not knowing what made him so upset. Shrugging, I closed the door.

"You've grown so much!" Ryan commented as he hugged me.

"Grown as in What?"

"I don't know. There is something different about you. You look more-"

"Alive?" I asked, making him grin.

"Yea that works, till I find the perfect word. So, who is this person?"

"What person?"

"Who made you alive!" He replied in a "duh" tone.

"I won't say it's a particular person. But the environment. Aiden. I mean Friends." I corrected myself immediately making him raise him eyebrows. "People at school. Supportive teachers."

"You've got quite a list. The environment, friends, Aiden." He smirked.

"Shut up. He was just on my mind."

"He's your boyfriend?"

"No no! Just a friend. He came a while ago and was acting a bit weird so I was thinking about him. Anyways, enough about me! What about You. How is your university going?"

"It's going good. I feel a bit sad its ending. 4 years went by and it feels like just tomorrow when I was trying to find the rooms appointed for my classes. When am I meeting this Aiden guy?"

"Can we drop him?"

"No! I want to meet him. I want to make sure he is no trouble."

"Okay Dad!" I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go!"

"What? Where?"

"To his house. Where does he live?"

"Are you crazy? We'll go tomorrow."

"No. We'll go right now." I narrowed my eyes at him as he folded his arms, giving me a challenging face. I sighed.

"Fine! Let's go. And by the way, he is Matt's brother."

"Matt? As in Matt Black?" I nodded. "What a small world!"

Aiden's (P.O.V):

"I thought you were gone to spend the rest of the day with Diana." Matt said as soon as I entered the room.

"Change of plans. I'd rather re-watch seasons of Teen wolf." I replied in monotone. He raised his eyebrows.

"What's the problem?" Matt asked and closed his laptop.

"Nothing. She is busy. A friend of her is coming over."


"A guy named Ryan."

"Ryan is coming over? Damn that is so awesome! He is so cool!" He replied excitedly, but seeing my glare he quickly added, "not as cool as you ofcourse. You are so much more awesome, brilliant, cool, in-"

"Can you shut up and just tell me about him?"

"Right. He is Diana's Dad's bestfriend's son. If he is coming here, he isn't coming for a day, he is coming for days."

"What does he do?"

"He lives in L.A. and studies there. He makes short visits to meet his Dad and Diana's family. After Diana's Dad's death he stayed at her house for a month because Diana stopped responding to anyone but him. But you don't have to worry about it. They both are like siblings."

"Pfft as if! Diana likes Ryan."

"Stop being so jealous! And she doesn't."

"She does and I know it. Anyways, I have a question."

"What?" He asked, opening his laptop once again.

"Didn't Dad call once?" He looked up at me.

"He did. To thank me for getting the hell out of his life. Also you should know one thing. I never went with Dad willingly. I went for Freddie. I admit I had no bad blood about Dad, I loved him just as equally as Mom, but I'd rather choose you and Mom over anything else."

"Why didn't you contact us? You could've have."

"Yes i know." He admitted. "I had this thing in my mind that you guys hated me and then days passed by months and years. This is no excuse I know, this is stupid but this was the only reason." I sighed. "And look about Diana, I am positive she likes you. When she came over in Boulder, she talked about you."

"Yeah sure. Maybe as a friend. I wa the first one she opened up to."

"Exatly my point. She trusts you thus she tol you about her past."

"Trusting someone and liking someone is different."

"Fine! Be stubborn."

"I know the look gave me when i asked her if she likes this Ryan guy." Matt gave me a look which portrayed "you're impossible to handle". I sighed and got up.

"I am gonna head out." He just shrugged after putting earphones in his ears and getting lost in his own world.

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Have a good day.
Nawaal :)

 Nawaal :)

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