Chapter 9:-

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Diana's (P.O.V):

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes. Did I ever tell you I hate Mondays?? Well I do!

I walked in my washroom and changed into dark blue skinny jeans a white t shirt on which it was written "proud to be a nerd". I tied my hair into a French braid. I took my bag and went downstairs. Mum wasn't there yet so I decided to make breakfast. I fried some bacons and eggd and set them in a plate.

As I finished my plate, mum came down.

"Good morning mom!" I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Morning sweety!" She kissed my forehead.

"Mom I prepared your breakfast. Now I have to leave!" I told her.

"Okay! Bye sweety!"

"Bye mom Love you!"


"So how was your weekend?" I asked Kelly.

"Oh it was awesome! My mom asked my cousins to tag along and it was just awesome! I can't describe it!" She exclaimed.

"What was so exciting?" I asked her as I popped a marshmallow in my mouth. "Have a crush on a particular cousin?" Right now we were sitting g on the last table of our cafeteria. As usual no one was noticing us or Kelly's exciting outburst. My English class went unexpected. I thought Aiden would annoy me or something but instead he just plopped on his seat, murmured a Hi Di and ignored me throughout the rest of the class.

"No!" Kelly blushed. I raised an eyebrow.

"But your expression say it otherwise."

"Not a crush. He is just intimidating!" She shrugged.

"Ohhh!" Suddenly Kelly's eyes widen.

"What's the matter?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"They...." She freezes in her place. I looked behind me and my eyes widened at the sight. No! Aiden and Dave weren't kissing.... They were coming towards us!! Us?! Why would they cone here? Maybe to find a seat? I looked around me to see any empty chairs but only found people's stares and whispers. We have two empty chairs here.

"What if I damage these chairs and make them nonsittable?" I asked Kelly.

"That's not even a word! And why would you do that?"

"Who cares if its a word or not?"

"Which word?" I turned around to see who has asked that question and it was none other than our Great Aiden Black! Oh shut it!!

"Nonsittable!" Kelly replies. The two of the boys settled on our table.

"Why did you even wanted to use that word?" Dave asked.

"Why not?" I challenged.

"Umm because...." Dave started but was cut off by Aiden .

"Why are we even having this stupid conversation?" Aiden said. He glared at Dave. The two of them have a glaring session and some eye talking which only then could understand until Kelly cleared her throat.

"Sorry!" They muttered.

"Why is the whole school staring us?" Kelly asked.

"Because two hottest, the most handsome and the most awesome boys are sitting with two unpopular nerds!" Aiden shrugged. I snorted. As if?!

"Hey! Don't you have anything better to do then stare?! Its rude to stare at someone like this!" Dave shouted. Soon everyone started doing what they were before.

"So..." Aiden started but I cut him off.

"Firstly... We are unpopular because we are fine with it and we don't want popularity. We are here to study not to control the school and act like spoiled brats! Secondly... School is for studying so we study more and that's why we are nerds and we are proud of it! Right?" I looked at Kelly. She nodded, agreeing with me.

"I didn't mean to offend you guys! I was just stating a fact!" Aiden shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, Why are you here?" I asked them.

"I thought why not make some new friends?!" Dave shrugged.

"Why choose us?" Kelly asked.

"Because.... Well that's for us to know and you to find out someday!"

"What if we don't agree?" I asked them.

"We never asked you if you want to be our friends or not?! We said you have to!" Aiden smirked.

"What makes you to think we will obey you like you are our masters and we are your slaves?"

"Because I am Aiden Black! When will you get that Di!" I stiffened at that nickname.

"I told you not..." I spat at him.

"To call you Di!" Aiden finished. "But why??"

"Yea why? Its a cute nickname? Right?" Dave said and looked at Kelly as if to ask her approval. Kelly was about to reply when I gave her a don't you dare agree with them look.

"I don't think so! I would prefer Diana!" Kelly says.

"She is just defending her!" Aiden exclaimed. Bell rangs. I got up.

"I have to go!" I said.

"Typical nerd!" I heard Aiden mutter.

"I will take it as a compliment!" I smirked at him.

Sooooo... I lied about Aiden expressing his love for Diana.
Sorry :)

Teaser: Aiden and Diana will be forced to live together for a week or so..
Will they agree?

I swear this teaser ain't a lie.... See you guys in the next chapter. *waves*

IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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