chapter 33

869 22 9

josephine lee

On my way to the suite my family rents for the season I run into my Dad who is flipping through a stack of papers with his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Idiots." He groans to himself, scoffing before circling something in red ink. I ask who is an idiot and walk with him as he takes one hand out from underneath the stack and wraps it around my shoulders.

"These guys. We're already talking trades and they want to trade someone I think should stay." He says, turning the paper over to read the rest. I try stepping up on my tippy toes to see if I can see who they're talking about but Dad is holding the paper way too close to his face for me to see. 

On our walk to his office, we end up bumping into the boys who are heading into the locker room after warmups. I try to slip past them to not disrupt whatever mindset they're currently in but once John sees me he smiles and yells Jack's name. Jack looks up from the ground and smiles at both my Dad and me. 

Dad raises his eyebrows and pats Jack on the back while I mouth "Good luck," as I watch him pucker his lips for a kiss. I lean in to peck him and stroke his cheek before he walks away through the door. I catch up with Dad and walk the rest of the distance to the office so he can put down the papers he's been cursing at.

He dumps them on his desk and wastes no time standing in the room before rushing out and locking the door. "So what are your plans for the off-season?" Dad asks with a laugh, putting his hands in his pockets as we walk back to where I was headed. I think about what's left for me to do since after hockey is done Jack might go back to Michigan and I'm still unsure where I'll go. 

"Well besides work and the festivals I don't know." I tell him, wondering if I'll just fly to California and spend the summer with him or stay with Meredith. I'll probably be busy with things I need to do to prepare for my EP, my album, and a few shows I have lined up. "Jack hasn't said anything?" He asks and I shake my head.

Everyone knows Jack and his friends always head back to Michigan for the summer and until Jack says something I won't take it upon myself to go. I need a clear invitation otherwise I won't be going. "I'm sure he will." Dad reassures me but I honestly don't think he wouldn't invite me, we've been excellent relationship wise and either way, it's not like I'd be there the whole time.  

 I ask my Dad the same question, wondering what plans he has when there's no hockey every other day. "I have some business in California then I'll most likely stay at our old off-season house for as long as possible." He says, drawing his words out before turning his head towards me like he wants me to ask about his business in California. 

I tilt my head to the side and ask what he has going on but instead, he shrugs his shoulders and says, "Nothing really." I nod my head suspiciously and make a mental note in my head to keep tabs on my father. I let the topic go and sit in my usual seat while Dad grabs my beverage and a snack for us to have. 

When he comes back he dumps sour straws, M&M's, and some fries in my lap. What is he planning? What does he want? "Hey, so would you like to come on the Devils' podcast with me? They asked for you first then they said "Reggie you should come too!" so yeah, think about it!" Dad says tearing open his candy wrapper and tossing some of the Skittles into his mouth. 

"When?" I ask, opening up the calendar app to see if I have the day open. Dad fills me in on the details, leaning over his chair to check my schedule with me. "You're free! Look right there!" he points at the open day. I text Marjorie first and wait for her to get back to me before giving Dad the all-clear. 

He thanks me for agreeing and says, "The guys on the podcast are going to be over the moon." he chuckles not at all bothered by the fact that they wanted me on before they asked him. I ask what they usually talk about so I can prepare myself. As he goes on about what is usually discussed I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Easy." I tell him with a smile. 

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