chapter 32

818 26 7

josephine lee 

Even though I set my alarm for 9 AM, I ended up waking up at 8:15. I tried going back to sleep, closing my eyes to see if doing absolutely nothing would help doze me off but nothing. My mind was awake and there was nothing I could do about that. I wondered if something was going to happen that I wasn't aware of yet but needed to be awake for. 

I sit up in bed, adjusting the pillows behind me before I hear a knock at my door. I huff in place, jerking my head to the side to look out my bedroom door to stare at the door. Without moving from my spot in bed I hear the sound of someone shoving a key into the key slot, unlocking my door. Along with the sound of my door getting thrown open, I hear multiple people call my name in a sing-song voice. 

"Josie!" Theo's bandmate's voices ring through my home. I press my hand to my forehead and groan loudly so that my faux frustration with them doesn't slip past them. Theo runs into my run launching himself onto my bed to land on his stomach with his chin in his hands. "It's early." I remind him, pointing at the clock on my nightstand. 

He winces, looking at the clock before looking me back in my eyes. "We're hungry and it's your sisterly duty to feed us." He says as the rest of the band minus Alex step into my room, nodding along with what Theo is saying with their hands pressed together as if they were praying. I rub my hands against my skin and sigh. "Go wait in the dining room." I order, watching them run out of the room like ducklings. 

I rip the comforter off from my body and rub my eyes as I head to the kitchen to start breakfast before getting ready for the meeting. I listen to the guys talk in the dining room while I mix all the ingredients into a big bowl. My arm starts getting sore from all the mixing but the faster I mix the sooner I'll be done mixing. 

Once the batter has reached the perfect consistency I start pouring it into the buttered pan and add chocolate and white chocolate chips as the pancake starts bubbling on top. I wait for the pancake to be ready to flip and in the meantime, Theo walks into the kitchen and looks up at me apologetically. I look around wondering why he's acting so weird and ask, "What?" very slowly, flipping the first pancake over. 

"The boys want to do something after our meeting. Would it be okay if we rescheduled?" He whispers, popping a chocolate chip into his mouth. I answer quickly with a nod and reassure him that I will find something to do. Understandably, they all want to hang out together after this big milestone. Besides his record deal will be here tomorrow. 

I grab a big plate to put all the pancakes on and hear the door open again. I assume it's Alex since he is the only member of Inhaler missing so don't think anything of it. Theo walks out of the kitchen and smiles brightly. "Well, I found something you can do." He says patting Jack's shoulder as he gets closer before looking straight at me and mouthing, "Whore." I chuckle to myself but ignore him to pretend that I didn't find what he said funny. 

Typical sibling things. 

Jack steps into the kitchen, pulling me into his arms as soon as I'm in arms reach, and tightens his hold on me. I sink into his body, breathing him in to make up for all the lost time. While in his arm, pressing my lips to his collarbone over his shirt I hear Theo whispering, "Psst, Josie. Psst, the pancakes." He says, pointing his finger at the batter before walking out with his hands up in surrender when I glare at him.

I turn in Jack's arms feeling the weight of him wrapped around my body as I flip the pancake onto the plate and pour some more batter into the pan. From behind me, he snakes his hand up to cradle my jaw, brushing my cheek with his thumb. He lowers his head closer to me and presses a sweet kiss to my lips. "I missed you." he murmurs before kissing me again.

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