23. R I V A L

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" it's my fault I have kept loosers like you all ,damn it go away before I burn your body in ashes"

A dominant, manly heavy voice said while running his fingers in his medium length hair, he took out a cigarette from his pocket taking it in his mouth lightning it with the lighter, he inhaled sharply.

"Call prag"

He said while drinking the cigarette .

After a while a man wearing a black suit with neatly gelled hair appeared in the dark room with a red light across it.

"Sir you called me?"

"Prag, she is getting married?"

His gaze went down as he nodded his head hesitantly.

The man that stood there throwed a vase right next to prag but he didn't even flinched a bit.


He screamed, his eyes showed anger, rage and pain.


He screamed on top of his lungs, sweat locks formed on prag's forehead his body was shivering a little but he was trying his best not to collapse infront of him.

"I want her"


He walked towards prag.

"I don't care if she is marrying Amal singh, I want her"

"It was me who was searching for her for those fucking years like a psycho and what I get in the end is this?"

He said with clenched fist and walked away from him.

"Why it always has to be me?, why those who I love can't stay with me?"

"S-sir everything will be alright"

"How? She will become someone's else in some days, and that too of that bastard mafia I swear I'll kill him for taking her away from me"

"The way he snatched my everything, I won't let him snatch her from me, never"

He said as his orbs darkened.

"When is he coming?"

"Just after their marria-

Before he could complete his sentence, a pocket knife was throwed towards him but luckily he doged it.


"H-He will be h-here till next month"


He said as that man got out in second.

"Why ? It took me five years to find you and when I finally did you are getting married to someone else and that too my rival, WHY THE FUCK?"

He screamed while banging his hand on the wall causing his knuckles to bleed.


Ruhani's POV

After everything was over, now here in my room I am creating some stupid moments with Mr aam in my mind and why not I am going to be his wife so I have the right to do so, I don't know what he is doing to me every time he behaves so caring with me I crave for it even more and the more I try to control my heart the more it gets out of my control, not helping but fall for him more instead.

It may sound as if I am being greedy but when it's him yes I am, now the willingness of spending my whole life with him grows more.

I was in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door, I stood up breaking the contact from my imaginary world, I opened the door to see ayu.

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