27. M A R R I A G E-2

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That man gave her a faint smile, the only expression that was covered on her face was shock and tears that were insisting to come out.

He took her right hand and placed it in amal's right hand, this ritual signifies the acceptance of bride's father to give his daughter away but instead her grandfather was doing the ritual.

An old aged woman who also seemed to be in her 80s came infront of ruhani making her more shock.

She poured sacred water on to the palm of her husband's hand allowing it to flow through his fingers onto ruhani's hand and ultimately to amal's hand as well.

Ritual are chanted during this process.

After the kanyadaan, gayatri patted on Shivani's shoulder as in response she nodded with a smile.

Walking up to the pavilion she sat down behind them and took the end of amal's scarf tieing to end of ruhani's chuni with betel nuts, copper coins and rice in the cloth, that symbolises
unity, prosperity, and happiness for the couple,the knot represents the eternal bond that comes with marriage.

A small sacred fire is lit in the centre of the mandap inviting Agni. The Fire God, the symbol of light, power and purity while offering ghee, rice and flowers into the flame. These prayers have a special importance, for it is Agni who dispels darkness and ignorance in life and leads us to eternal light and knowledge, then the havan was completed.

Ruhani was still shocked for sure but she decided to shrug off her feelings for now and concentrate on the rituals that were taking place.

"Ab Mangal fere ke liye var vadhu khade ho jaye"
(Now for the Mangal fera groom and bride get up)

The Mangal fera is an important ritual, in this ritual the couple circles the holy fire four times as the priest chants mantras.

The groom(Amal) leads the bride(ruhani) on the first three feras while the bride takes over for the fourth and final step indicating step-signifying balance in their marriage.

The four fera's represent the four basic goals of life: Dharma (Moral sense to lead a good life ), Artha (prosperity), kama (Energy and passion) and moksha (liberation through self- Realization).

When the feras were done both of them rushed down to sit back to their seats first as it is a part of the tradition, it is said that whoever takes their seat first will be the ruler of the household, but Amal was intentionally slow because he wanted ruhani to take her seat first.

Everyone laughed lightly and smiled.

"Acha hua acha hua"
(Good good)

Urmila said smiling widely.

Now the most important ritual was about to happen (satapadi-The seven steps), The couple take seven steps to symbolise the beginning of their journey together for life.

The priest told them to get up again for the seven feras.

They stood up, amal holded her hand in his before he started walking clock wise around the holy fire taking the lead for first four feras.

As they completed each fera the priest chanted each promise.

1.We will fulfill our duties and responsibilities to each other and to our community, and look after each other's (and our children's) health.

2. We will improve on ourselves spiritually and mentally.

3. We will get richer and be more comfortable in legal and moral ways.

4. We will become wiser, happier and more united by loving each other and having mutual trust and respect for each other.

Then after the completion of fourth fera ruhani took the lead for the last three feras.

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