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"DK... don't start again.. please..".. Wonwoo sounds annoyed..

The boy in front of them throw the cigarette before inhale last long smoke and began to walk towards her while blowing the smoke out..

"or what Mr bookworm.. you gonna complain the principle or you will beat me up... woooo" the boy stood in front of wonwoo snatch the glasess from his eyes..

"What the heck.. give it back" 

Jihoon try to took it back but the boy was holding it up.. jihoon is jumping but unfortunately he can't get it.. other boys are laughing at jihoon.. except two boys..

"Aww you can not even get that from my hands.. first grow up little jihoon... Mingyu keep this glass with you don't give it to him until collage end..let's see how our nerd gonna study today" he throw the glass to mingyu who catch it quick..

"Why are you doing this.. why you bully us everyday" minghao said being angry..

"Me.. bully you? nahh I just want to meet your new friends.. Don't you introduce me to them?.."Minghao,jihoon and wonwoo keep silent and glare at him..

"No.? Its ok then...I  will introduce myself " Dk push minghao aside  because of the sudden attack hao fall on ground..

DK walk closer to the frozen, shocked as ice brothers.. Chan and seungkwan are shocked as hell seeing the person who is looking exactly like seokmin..

before going to the brothers jihoon get in middle

"Stay away from us DK... please go.."

"Hey...Hoshi  look he is really talking back to me.. not for you to get annoyed, but I want to say something....Are you really growing back? Why the heck are you not growing? You need some nutrition..." DK said and laugh out in sarcastically with all of the members of his gang..

"Heyy... shorty... Is my voice reaching there.. or should I speak up more.."Dk keep making fun of jihoon who is in his limit of bursting out... 

After putting thumb on Jihoon head and push him a little while making fun of him.. then he went near chan...

"Who is this.. mmm..at least doesn't looking like a nerd.. must be from some rich family right ? ..." he said while checking chan top to bottom.. "But what is this...huh?" he hold chan's pendant...

"Oww... he has a heart shaped pendant.. girlfriend? ooh let me see your girlfriend face... " he smirk and open the heart pendant..

"HUH..what is this A baby photo? I thought you has a girlfriend... But you have a wife with children.." Dk laugh out again while high five with hoshi who equally laughing...

"Oh wait.. don't tell me it's you.. really.. it's you.. oh my god... Samuel.. I have been thinking you are the most self obsessed person in the world.. who wear own named bracelet.... But he is over you.. He is wearing his own photo necklace.." again He laugh out and high five with samuel who is also laughing..

Dk stop laughing when he saw Chan keep staring at him...

"Hey... are you blind..? hello.. I know I'm handsome... oh wait did you got crush on me... Please don't because I don't like fool like you.....hhahahahaha.... let's go boys.." Dk push Chan aside which being back him to earth.. He turned around still in so much confusion while watching..

"here your glasses" the tall boy give glasses to wonwoo while one other guy help minghao to stand up.. "I am sorry for him.." he mumbled...Both smile at each others and ran back to Dk ....

"That assholes.. I HATE THEM.. especially that hamster and DK.." jihoon was kicking his feet.. while cursing at them.."Are you okay.." minghao ask to seungkwan and chan who still looked shocked..

ALWAYS AND FOREVER ||SEOKSOO|| SVT FF||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ