1201 - 1210

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Chapter 1201: The Dalki leaders

The V under Sach's leg continued to struggle. It attempted to push off the ground using its two hands. Despite using all its strength, it was unable to move at all. It was clear one person was overpowering the other with ease. Sach was already strong before. He had a well trained body and good beast gear on. Now that he was a vampire himself, there would be very few vampires out there that would be able to overpower him.

'The question is, what to exactly do with this strategist?' Sach thought. 'Even those on the Cursed ship were unable to break them using their Vampire powers, so I doubt I would be able to do anything. We could capture them, but what use is that? There is only one thing we can do.'

Sach applied a sudden pressure on his leg. It was quick and decisive, a small crunching sound was heard, and the vampire was no longer moving or making any noise.

"Strategist Om!" One of the other strategists called out. "He's....dead. Even if you are the supreme commander, how could you do this."

Om looked like he would run over to his fallen comrade, but Samantha quickly pulled him back before Sach could do anything.

"Did you not see it? Sach explained. He was a V. The reason why all your elaborate plans weren't working, why it felt like they were always one step ahead of you, was all because this person was working with the Dalki."

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. The strategist was someone who had been in the military for a while. They were even by Oscar's side at times. It was hard for them to believe such a thing. However, they started to remember the video of Head general Innu being a V as well. If he was one, then it meant that anyone could have been one and was really working for the other side.

"I saw his red eyes," Samantha claimed, now looking at the body on the floor. "Without a doubt, he was a V, but how did you know he was one? She asked for a second time, hoping he wouldn't avoid the question.

"That isn't important right now. This shelter is struggling more than all the other Shelters. If it was because of the V, perhaps they have big plans for this place, which also means there could be more. I want you to take me to every group, every platoon to see if they are anymore. Let's not waste any time."

Head general Samantha went along with the Supreme commander, showing him every platoon and area. Most of them were clear as Sach didn't show any actions towards her people, but it wasn't the case everywhere.


On the south wall, Sach discovered a V. This time, rather than attempting to capture it, he quickly went up behind the vampire and started to subdue it by strangulation, getting it in a type of chokehold. As the vampire struggled for its life and tried to summon all of its powers, its eyes would turn red, and they could see that they were V.

Another area where the V was discovered was in one of the bunkers part of the scouting team. Where Sach had done the same again. It was clever of them. The scout could inform them of when they were spotted before all of the others, especially since they had superior eyesight and hearing.

Walking back after having checked the area, Samantha couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Sach on the shoulder as they walked through the snow.

"Tell me, how did you know they were V? If it's something you know, you could share it with all of us." Samantha pleaded. If she had this skill, maybe she wouldn't have lost as many people as they already had.

"When the Cursed faction came to see me and healed me, they offered me to go aboard their ship for a short while. I accepted, and during that time, they taught me a lot of things about the V. I know their weaknesses, their strengths and how to spot them. Unfortunately, it is not something I can teach you overnight for one, and for the second, it's not for me to teach.

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