1541 - 1560

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Chapter 1541: Peaceful Dalki

The new ship travelled faster than the usual medium-sized vessels, which meant they wasted next to no time getting to the Dalki main ship's location, the place which their enemy called home. Looking out the window, they could see it did really look like a small planet.

What was most interesting about it wasn't just the shape of the thing, but the fact that it was made up of several different terrains. It was a spaceship that the Dalki had made using all of the other beast planets.

"When I look at this, I feel a bit sad for the Dalki," Logan said as they slowed down upon approaching the place. They turned the ship's camouflage system on as they slowly came to the planet, lowering the probability of alerting the enemy.

Logan had backed every bit of his family's technology and his own knowledge, including Richard's, to create this ship. After completing the trials, everyone was left with a weapon to help them in this battle.

Although it might have seemed like the reward was the Nest Crystal, to Logan, he felt more like it was the knowledge left behind by Richard for someone to take his place in all of this.

"What do you mean? The Dalki are trying to kill us; why would you feel sad for them?" Fex asked. "No offence Borden." He felt like he needed to mention since Borden was also a Dalki.

"Just think about it, can't you? The Dalki were created by vampires, but that place never felt like home to them. Earth is a place they hadn't been to before, so what did they do? Looking at this, it feels almost as if they tried to create their own home."

"That still doesn't change the fact that they are trying to kill us, again, no offence Borden," Fex added once again.

"It makes me wonder, why doesn't Borden want to kill us?" Vorden asked. "I mean, he's just like the Dalki and the humanoid Dalki that we have encountered."

Borden placed his finger on his chin as he thought about the answer himself.

"I don't even know the answer to that one." He finally replied. "When I first was born, I just wanted to find you, brother, but I do have an urge to keep fighting, but that goes for all creatures, not just humans. Still, I can suppress it."

"It was my first time." Logan suddenly said, which made the others strangely look at Logan, waiting for him to explain himself. "I think Borden mixing in with so little of the beast DNA compensated for using most of your structure Vorden...or Sil's structure, to be precise. Honestly, there are some things that even I can't explain with science.

"For instance, at the time, the mind that was occupying Sil's body was yours, Vorden, and the personality that Borden represents most out of all three of you is yours. In fact, I can say that he nearly doesn't have a trace of the other two.

"Yet, the body always had and always belonged to Sil? Honestly, it might just be that Vorden's nature is so good that it overcomes any Dalki desires, or just like any creation, when mixing a set of genes together and mashing things up, no person or Dalki, I should say in this instance, is the same. Let's think of Borden as a mutation. In fact, if we could study Borden more, we could try to find out what makes him different from the rest.

"When we know this factor, we could try changing the Dalki. However, to even try to do something like that, even if we did find a solution, we would have to capture them and modify them. Imagine trying to do that when we are already fighting for our lives." Logan explained

"Speaking of which," Little Borden said. "I only have one injection left. I know you made a lot for me when we had the Demon tier beast, but I was wondering if you had any more."

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