1381 - 1390

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Chapter 1381: Much Change

Fex was at a loss for words. He literally had his mouth open wide and had no clue what to say as he looked at Quinn. He was trying to see some sign, to see if he was joking or not, but it didn't seem to be the case at all.

"Wait Quinn, I know you weren't a vampire, so maybe you don't know, but not just anyone can become a Royal Knight!" Fex tried to explain. "The Royal Knights are selected from the leaders. The Kings' left and right-hand men. I'm not a leader, and I'm not even a knight. Don't you remember I was also banished from my own family!"

Quinn nodded along and placed his hand on Fex's shoulder. Hoping that it would calm him in some way.

"I do know, but that was under the old rule. Look, me becoming King, it wasn't exactly due to regular circumstances, and think of it this way. You were so loyal to me that you were even about to be executed, for my sake.

"I can't think of someone better than you. Perhaps the vampires could argue somewhat if I had chosen someone that I turned, but I won't back down from this. Unless you have a good reason to refuse, I intend to make you my Royal Knight."

It was something Fex never imagined. Becoming a Royal Knight was a top honour. It was even above becoming a leader of a family. If the King asked you to be his knight, they would have to leave their position and accept, and now knowing Quinn was serious, almost immediately, Fex got down on one knee.

"I, Fex Sanguinis, pledge my loyalty to King, Quinn Talen of the tenth family. I will do everything in my power until my last breath to help you!" Fex yelled at the top of his lungs, and a few seconds later, tears started to fall from his face.

Quinn didn't quite understand why Fex was acting like this. He thought he would be happy, or maybe even annoyed that he had 'made' him do such a thing. As for the new Royal Knight, the reason for his happiness was because his life had been changed at this moment.

There were times while Fex was in the tenth family that he thought he could never rise to a higher position, that maybe his family members would look down on him. He also didn't like how he had ruined his family's reputation, but this single gesture from Quinn would restore it all again.

As soon as Fex had accepted the role, Quinn saw an adjustment in his system. He saw that now he could also summon Fex using the Summon skill whenever he wished.

'That's quite handy to have. Maybe I should make someone from the Cursed faction my Royal Knight after all. The Summon skill can be used as a protection as well as a helpful tool for myself.' Quinn thought.

Another interesting thing Quinn noticed was that it didn't matter if the council had accepted Fex or not. It seemed like his system had already agreed. Which was a different matter for someone else.

"Actually, Quinn, I know it might not be my place to speak about this, but I wanted to suggest something...." Fex said.

Fex talked about the suggestion he wanted to make, and Quinn thought it was a good idea.

"That great, I'll call a meeting now, and we can meet in the new castle together. We can make that announcement now."

A gulping sound was heard, as Fex didn't realise that things would be moving so quickly. He should have realised that when Quinn said he was going to do things, he meant it.

The two of them began to walk around the castle, and he had already asked Timmy to contact the other leaders and tell them all to meet in the new council room. That it was an order from the King.

In the meantime, Fex wondered what they were still doing in the tenth castle and eventually found themselves heading to the lab in the castle. A place where Logan would usually be. When entering, Fex could see the back of someone he didn't quite recognise, and as soon as he turned around, his mouth was left wide open, and he was at a loss for words for the second time today.

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