1621 - 1640

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Chapter 1621: The Horde

With the help of Jake and his mother Vicky, the Vampire Corps were able to clear the first wave of beasts fairly quickly. At the same time, the damaged part of the wall had been repaired using Jake's earth ability, along with the outside being hardened. It was a temporary fix, but better than anything the corps members could come up with on their own.

The Lieutenant that was located on that section of the wall was very thankful for their help, but he understood that this wasn't the end of the attack, merely the beginning. After receiving their thanks, the two members of the Green family ran off along the top of the wall to where the beasts were seemingly headed next.

On the wall itself, around the centre, there were three vampires wearing the official Vampire Corps' gear. Unlike others, those three had emblems attached onto their uniforms in different colours, two of them being silver, while the third one was gold.

The one wearing a golden emblem had the standard black spiky black hair that seemed to be popular with many of the vampires, but there was one thing that stood out about him, and it was his bushy eyebrows, that were also pointed at the end. They curved slightly upward towards the forehead.

The three of them soon felt a gust of wind pass their face, as they saw Jake and Vicky storming off to the other side of the wall.

"It seems we are in luck, for a level four horde attack to take place when these two happened to be visiting. Right, General Yaddy." One of the men wearing a silver emblem on his clothes noted with a sigh of relief.

These three were the top members of the Vampire Corps on the base on Mars, so they held quite high positions.

General Yaddy, looked to where the two had disappeared to, and the wave that had already approached the wall. Combat was already taking place, and the force was larger than the first attack, which was expected.

A small displeasing grunt came from Yaddy.

"A level four horde attack has never occurred in these areas and as soon as they turn up something like this happens? You would be a fool to believe that all of this is merely a coincidence. Those two won't even state why they are here in the first place.

"The Commander may trust the Green Family, but I don't. However, I will always follow the Commander's wish, so while they are here I will treat them with respect, but I will be keeping an eye on them." General Yaddy stared off in the distance towards them.

With Quinn having left the group of vampires, it left Mitchell a little concerned with what was going to happen to them. There were, after all, only five trained corps members, along with fifty new recruits.

In fact, the beasts outnumbered the number of vampires that were in the same area. As the wave of beasts got closer, the ground began rumbling even more. There were horse-like creatures with giant hooves out in the front.

Flying above them, were two sets of the large insect-like creature that had attacked during the first wave, and then behind them countless numbers of different beasts, heading towards the group like they were obsessed for the kill.

"If we don't attack now, then they will bulldoze right through us and right through this wall! Everyone, prepare your longest range and most powerful attack, hold until I say so!" Mitchell ordered.

The ones that moved immediately were Hannah and her group, while at the same time, Mitchell held out his finger. He gripped his injured arm, cursing at himself for having used it against the new recruit earlier, but either way he had no choice but to use his rifle blood attack one more time.

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