1261 - 1270

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Chapter 1261: A Punisher's message

Due to the King's order, the third castle was currently going through a difficult situation for more reasons than one. Their leader had just been killed, yet they weren't granted any time to grieve for those who cared for the leader and at the same time, there were vampires from other families taking advantage of the situation.

Disputes between families were quite common, so vampires were a proud bunch. They would often compare the strength of each of the families. Once in a while this competition would go too far, and result in fighting between the two families. If it got too big, the leaders themselves would have to sort it out, but the castle had no such leader at the moment. It was the same reason why the tenth family had been treated the way they had been for so long.

For as long as they lacked a new leader, it would be a vulnerable time for them. Inside the castle, in one of the grand dining halls, the late third leader's Vampire knights, May and Verth were going through the candidates to succeed her. The woman and man paced back and forth, their foreheads wrinkled deep in thought.

Meanwhile, sitting in the vacant throne meant for the leader, was a young looking woman with long black hair and a doll-like dress, holding a brown bear in her hand. It was a strange sight, because, although she looked very young, it was clear that the one holding the bear should have long been over that age.

"Annie, there's no helping it, nobody but you can take this position! I know it's a little early but Suzan has been preparing you to take over for a long time already!" May shouted.

Annie, held onto the bear tightly, and her legs were shaking up and down while also biting her fingernails. It was clear she was afraid.

"You don't need to do any of the work. We can cover for that, but right now the third family needs someone to step up, so we'll have order." Verth agreed with his female companion.

"It's not about being ready or not." Annie eventually replied in a shaky voice. "If I take that place... no, it's probably true for whoever takes the leader role... I'm afraid that whoever killed Mother will come after me!"

The two vampire knights didn't expect this, that they would ever need to convince someone to take the leader position. To the normal vampire folk it was a position they could only dream of. Being in charge of an entire family, becoming one of the most respected members of their society.

"If you just need a leader, then why can't one of you take the seat?!" Annie crossed her arms and pouted.

The two of them gulped when they thought of this, a shiver ran down them as they remembered Suzan's body on that wall.

"Th-that's because... b-because we can't! We're knights, after all! As her daughter, it's only right for you to succeed her." May eventually put together an explanation.

However, Annie may have been naive, but she wasn't stupid. Although it was going against their etiquette, it wasn't exactly 'taboo' either. Especially in their current time, when the first family was being led by their former knight Kazz, and the council had even granted Silver special permission to take over as leader if anything was to happen to the thirteenth leader.

It was practically guaranteed that as long as one of them would come forward that due to the circumstances their request to fill in would be granted. Yet, neither one of them wanted to admit it once the idea of them actually taking over was placed.

"I'm scared, I'm scared out of my mind. I know what the right thing to do is, but I just can't." Annie cried out in defiance.

"And so you should be." A voice said from inside the room, dark shadows surrounding him.

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